





Liam's POV

Our class ended early so I decided to go and wait in front of Rosa's class, so we can walk to the scrimmage together. When I walked up to her class door I heard her and Dylan talking.

"Are you guys going out with each other?" Dylan asked

"I don't know. We haven't really talked about it and I think I'm just a person there to help him through the rough times

I don't think he wants anything serious." Are they talking about me?

"This is Liam we are talking about." Well that answers my question. "He doesn't really know how to express his feeling probably." True "He is like a relationship infant he needs to learn along the way" hey I am so not an infant. "Have you at least told him how you feel?"

"No but I don't know how I feel." Rosa said

"You love him, Rosa" Dylan told her

"You know I cant. Not after what happened last time." She sounded broken

"What happen last time?" I whispered

"Hey Liam what are you doing?" I jumped and turned around to see Scott, Kira and Stiles.

"Hey guys I'm just waiting for Rosa. What about you guys?"

"Well Kira wanted to talk to you so we decided to help her find you?" Stiles said

"Okay guys I need to talk to Liam in private and so I'll see you at the scrimmage" Kira waved them off and when they were gone she turned to me

"Can we walk?" Kira asked I just nodded "so your probably wondering why I'm here talking to you but don't worry its nothing bad I just wanted to make sure your not going to hurt my sister."

"I would never hurt her. I can't hurt her" I shook my head if the thought of anyone hurting her

"While that's good because I'm going to tell you something that know one knows but me, Rosa and our parents. Can I trust that you won't tell anyone." Kira said

"You can trust me?" I said

"Okay well I should probably start by telling you that this changed Rosa. Made her more stronger but also more jaded."

She took a seat on the bench at the front of he school "About a year ago Rosa started to go out with a guy a year older then her. He was smart, kind, strong and handsome. When I meet him I thought he was a great guy and he seemed to treat Rosa like an angel." Seemed?

"But when our mother said that we will be moving to Beacon Hills Rosa was determined not to go so she made plans to move in with Johnny and somehow see got our parents to agree.

She would come to visit every fortnight but everytime she came she would seem more and more inverted and jumpy. I knew that something was wrong but every time I asked her she would evade the question." As she went on with her story the more I felt uneased

"One night I got a call from Rosa. She was in tears begging me to come save her and that's when I knew I had to go back to New York. So I caught the next flight to New York but it was too late. As soon as I landed I got a call from mum in tears saying Rosa was found on the side of the road near death and was now in the hospital. I got a cab to the hospital and ran up to the reception desk only to be told she was in a coma." Kira was crying and I was fuming. I wanted desperately to hunt this Johnny guy down and kill him

"He was beating her and I didn't know. She was screaming for help and I wasn't there to hear it. He beat her to an inch of her life and then left her on the side of the road like trash" I was so angry I couldn't breathe properly "Liam are you okay." Kira said through her tears

I just growled "Liam I didn't tell you this to get you angry. She's okay now" Kira tried to calm me down but it didn't work

"Kill him, hurt mine" I growled but thats when I heard her angelic voice

"Liam, its okay calm down." It was Rosa "Kira what did you tell him? What did you do?"

"I-I told him everything. He needed to know." Kira coward into Scott who must have arrived with Rosa

"It was not you story to tell Kira. Liam look at me, Liam its okay he can hurt me anymore. He's in prison and will never be able to get out" Rosa hugged me

"Not enough. Kill him. Hurt mine" I growled

"No Liam. Let it go, for me please." Rosa looked up at me. Which made me whimper "Please Liam." I growled but nodded none the less "Thank you" she kissed me "I'll see you on the field. You go get ready." I nodded now calmer then I was before but Scott still tagged along even when he was already geared up.





A/N: yay finally finished course for this year. So this means more time to write. Well here it is the Rosa's sad story but you know what they say you have to look at both sides of the chessboard.

Question: what do you think Johnny looks like?



Luv life

Luv ya

The White Wolf : Liam Dunbar / Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now