IED part2

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Rosa's POV

"Wait I turn into a full white wolf, like with paws and all" I asked Derek just nodded

"But this is not all you will also have a witch form that you transform into when you feel like you in danger" Derek stated

"What's that form look like? and please don't tell I'll have a point nose and warts cause I think I'll pass" shuddering at the image

"We don't know what you will look like as there has never been someone like you in 1000 years" Derek smiled

"OK Liam, Rosa off to class" Scott said






I was sitting in the cafeteria waiting for everyone when I felt a pain shoot through my hand and I knew something was wrong, I knew it was Liam so I started running until I found him talking to a guy that had just got off the bus and I looked down and saw that Liam's hand was bleeding.

I ran up to him and grabbed his hand "You okay?" I asked. Liam was shocked that I was here

"And who do we have here?" The tall blond asked "hey what's your name sweetheart."

"None of your business. Come on Liam let's go" I go to turn around when the blond grabs my wrist "let go of me" I growled

"Come on sweetheart don't be like that I just want to talk" he smiled "why don't you ditch this psychotic loser and come hungout with me" this made Liam flinch and the next thing I know I had the blond up against the bus with my arm across his throat

"If you dear talk about me or Liam again or even come near either of us I will kill you do you understand me?" I growled he just nodded and showed me his thoart in submission. I then let him go .

Scott and Stiles came running up to us. The last thing i remember is was a surge of power going though me and then everything goes black.






"Liam she's fine, calm down Liam" I heard Scott say and then a roar which I gathered was from Liam. I tried to move but pain shot though my whole body making me whimper. I heard two bangs and when I opened my eyes I saw Scott and Stiles on either side a of the room and Liam standing over me

"Liam I'm fine" I whispered

"Not fine" he growled "feel pain" he sounded as if he had let his wolf take full control over him

"Wait you can feel my pain?" I asked shocked at what he was saying. He nodded and must have seen Scott and Stiles get up

"Mine" he growled at him

"Liam its OK there our friend remember, I'm ok, no ones going to hurt me" I said as I rubbed his arm and slowly he calmed down

"God I'm sorry Scott, I didn't mean to" Liam panted

"Thanks for the concern I'm fine by the way" Stiles said I giggled at him

"That car you smashed? I thought it was your teachers?" Scott asked

Liam shook his head "He was also my coach. He benched me for an entire season"

"No wonder you trashed his car" I muttered and Liam nodded in agreement.

"What did you do?" Scott asked

"Got a couple of red cards" Liam lowered his head in shame

"Just a couple?" Stiles asked sarcastically. I growled at him. Just because Liam handed his butt to him on a silver platter doesn't mean he has to be rude.

Scott knelt down in front of us "You have to be honest with us. What else happened?"

"Nothing" Liam exclaimed. "I got kicked out of school and they sent me to a physiologist for evaluation"

I grabbed his hand and squeezed it to show that I'm here with him.

"What did they call it?" Scott asked

"Intermitted Explosive Disorder."

"IED? You're literally an IED?" Stiles obviously found this amusing "That's great. You literally gave your powers to a walking time bomb"

"Did they give you anything for it?" Scott asked

"Rysperdal. It's an antipsychotic"

"Oh this just gets better and better" I was starting to lose my cool when it came to Stiles

"i don't take it - " Liam said quickly

"Obviously!" Ok that's it, I am at my limit

"Stiles if you don't shut up i am going to take a page out of Derek's book and rip your throat out with my teeth." I growled he just held his hands up

"i cant play lacrosse on it. It makes me too tires" i wanted so much to pull him away from this conversation but i knew Scott needed to know so i just hugged him

"Maybe you should sit out of the scrimmage tonight, tell coach your leg still hurts" Scott said

"WHAT!!! No" Liam said desperately "I can do this. Especially if you're there" He looked at me, I kissed him on the cheek

"It's not only this. We think that whoever we killed Demarco, might be on the team."

"Who's Demarco?" Liam and I asked

"The guy who brought the beer to the party. The one who was beheaded. Remember?" Stiles answered

"We think that whoever orders the keg, killed Demarco." Scott stated

Liam and I looked at each other. It could be, could it?

"What? Do you guys know something?" Scott asked

"We don't know who ordered the keg but we do know who paid for it."

"Who?" Stiles asked a tad bit to excited








A/N: Heya guys I been saying sorry a lot lately so I thought I'd change it up a bit this chapter by saying thank you. Thanks to all my awesome readers, I actually didn't expect this many views but this just blows my mind. 1k reads yay.

Well I hope you like this chapter.

Question: what should Rosa and Liam's ship name be?



Thank you

Luv ya

Luv life

The White Wolf : Liam Dunbar / Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now