I don't reply. Her teeth grit. She is glaring as if I'm absurd for being curious. She also used to poke her nose into my twin's love life since mine is nonexistent. The seventy-eighth time Sydney asked her if she was sexually active, Sil deadpanned," No, Syd. I just lie there."

" You're becoming disrespectful," she sneers, "like your sister."

At this juncture, I give up.

"Please, I'm sorry for asking that," I say, already walking away.

An unnerving silence bleeds into the expanding space between us until she exclaims," Your results came in yesterday."

"Really?" I spin one hundred and eighty degrees. A shiver runs up my spine as she meets my widened eyes with an impassive stare.

"You did ok," she says and bypasses me into her room in a blink. Coming out almost instantly, she hands me two uniforms, saying," You are senior now."

Pardon me?! When?! I gape at her.

"Ya, I made arrangements to move you up two grades." She gradually grins as she speaks. "Since, clearly, the exams were below your standard. You should be in a class of smart people, after all."

My frown deepens to that, and she slaps my shoulder to add, "You'll thank me later."

But I don't think I will. She has just built my grave. I was looking forward to joining sophomore year since I am capable of talking to at least two students - Anna, despite our quarrel, and, recently, Mia - but now what?

I'll have to start all over again, alone this time.

"Why not stick with the hurt you know rather than risk being hurt again, right?"

"Where did you hear that from, Sil?"

"A film. "

"You would like to be in one, innit?"

" Yes, so I can spew deep nonsense like that. Makes me sound wise."

"You are wise, Sil."

I stay in my room until Sydney summons me. A man's back faces me in the hall, but I run out, shunning him. I wonder if Sydney thinks it's a good idea to have Dan in the house. What if he steals something?

This can be history operating itself. I want to tell her so as she steers us out of the neighbourhood, but I doubt she'll listen.

Silence engulfs us the entire ride. My heart starts pounding as we reach pristine gates with the glowing golden inscription "Excellence and Integrity" embossed on them.

Parking by a Range Rover, she scoffs, only to then tap my shoulder and whoop, "Hey, is that not him?!"

My focus traces hers to three guys cracking up as they evacuate a Lamborghini.

He knocks a redhead playfully, and the blnde with uneven lengths of hair yells something. I realise they are the guys who saved him at the party.

"I should thank him for hosting you." Sydney rolls down the windows and then waves.

"Hey Harry! -"

"Oh My-" It doesn't take my upper body more than a second to morph into catapillar below my seat.

"Will you get up so he sees you?" Her tone scolds me.

I lift my head for a peek, and sure enough, his eyes meet mine. Without thinking, I wave. He looks away.

"Huh, maybe he's not seeing you."

I numbly accept Sil's conjecture as he walks away with the guys.

"Here," I hear and turn to Sydney revealing a pair of round wire frame spectacles from her purse.

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