Not my Harry

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Charlie's P.O.V

"We kissed."

Harry scratches his head. "I mean - she kissed me...first."

There's a pause.

"When was this?"

"The night before, you guys went back to Britain."

"Ok...," I say, slow to process what he's revealing. I want to know everything before I decide on an appropriate reaction. "Please explain how exactly it happened."

"...Sure." He hesitates. "Um... Sil came in sweating, from skating at Bellview apparently. She had dinner with us, and then we were playing with my PS4 when she started getting calls from Anna, but she ignored them and when I asked her why, she told me Anna is a b-word who just hangs out with her to get closer to you. And I said, "Duh," and she was like, "Ya," and then she just ... kissed me! But I stopped her and was like, "You're my bestie's sister." And she was like, "Ya, but you fool around with girls all the time. Don't act like you have a heart suddenly," and that pissed me off, so I told her to leave, and she jumped out of the window."

"Is that why you lost touch with me when I left?" I squint at the end of his narration.

He nods gloomily. "I'm so sorry. "

"It's fine. If anything, I'm sorry she said that to you."

Holding grudges will do nothing to change what happened. I pull him in for a hug, and he breathes in relief.
We lock the doors since no one will be home - his parents are on a business trip - and then rush into his car. Getting onto the driveway, he thanks me for forgiving him, and I remember something he mentioned.

"What's Bellview?"

"Nowhere you want to go there."


"Because," he says a little harshly, "the dudes who hang out there are not nice."

When I lift an intrigued brow, he scowls. "They are mostly from Anderson High, our rival school. "

"So, because of the school they attend, they are not nice?" 

He avoids my gaze, starting the engine.

I scan his demeanour quietly. Perhaps the guy who punched him at the party also hangs out at Bellview - which is more reason for me to go there.

When we arrive, the Hundi is parked out front. We say our goodbyes, and I head inside. Hopefully, Sydney is alone.


She wasn't. The moment I stepped inside, a male's laughter rang in my ears. Not wanting to know anything of it, I made a beeline for my room.

This dawn, I think I can ignore her man, but not her. She is the first thing my eyes land on when I leave the room.

"Why are you up so early?" she says, then, noticing my wet hair, facepalms herself.

I pour myself a glass of water, and she resumes sniffing the stew in her Tupperware. Then she tilts.

"How was your sleepover?"

"Great. How is Dan?"

"Go ask him yourself." She reverts to the stew, feigning a noncommittal mien. I frown.

"So, he slept over?"

"Yes." She pauses to add, "But nothing happened. "



I wince.

"What kind of woman do you think I am?"

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