The teacher fails at her job.

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Third-person POV

Damian has never heard of this 'Santa Claus' until now. From what he has been told, Claus sneaks into innocent peoples' homes, leaving behind supposed gifts for the children. But that's not all. Damian has also heard stories about Claus kissing (that's right, KISSING) mothers and fathers during the night while he believes children are sleeping. How no one thought to catch this molesting, evil criminal was beyond him.

It was supposed to be a normal, boring school day. One where Damian would be forced to work with the imbeciles around him. Unfortunately, the teacher had other plans.

"Okay students. Today we will be writing letters to Santa Claus so that he can grant your wishes!" She exclaimed in excitement. Immediately, most of the students started celebrating. Damian was very confused, not that he would ever show it.

"Who is this Claus you speak of?" He asked in a monotone. Many gasps echoed around the room.

"You've never heard of Santa Claus?!" One of the kids cried out.

The teacher tried her best to calm everybody down. "Santa Claus is a jolly old man who enjoys delivering toys to all good boys and girls!" She explained. "Once every year, on Christmas eve, he would come down your chimney and leave presents underneath your Christmas tree!"

Damian stared at her incredulously. "Why has no one arrested this man for trespassing?!" He asked, mind already coming up with horrible reasons.

The teacher tried her best not to yell. "Sweetie, Santa Claus is a good man. He isn't a criminal!" She said.

"Obviously, he has you under some kind of mind control, forcing you to brainwash the children as well." Damian spat, venom dripping off his voice. No matter, I will ask Grayson to assist me in catching him. He thought. Though he would forever deny it, he loved the idea of working with Dick again.

Dick POV

I walked into my apartment, shutting the door behind me. Quickly, I flipped over the kitchen counter and put away my groceries.

"Grayson!" I heard someone yell.

"Yes Dami?" I said, turning to face him. His visits had become more frequent and I enjoyed every one of them. He scowled at the nickname I gave him, but I knew that he secretly loved it.

"I require your assistance in catching a new criminal. Apparently, he has been able to avoid arrest for multiple years and has the ability to travel the whole world in one night." He explained.

"I would love to help you Baby Bird! Do you know who the criminal is?" I asked, happy that he was asking me for help.

"Santa Claus." At that moment, it took me every ounce of self control Batman had taught me to stop myself from screaming. I took large deep breaths.

"Dami, Santa isn't a villain, he-" Damian looked at me in horror.

"Not you too Grayson!" He wailed.

"What-?" He shoved me aside and pelted for the door.

"I swear to you Grayson! I will save you from that fiend!" He called, before disappearing. I never felt so confused in my life.

Third-person POV

Damian had never felt this much hate in a long time. No one that messed with Grayson and could be allowed to get away with it. NO ONE. As he ran, he thought about who else he should see for help.

Only one person came to mind:

Jason Todd. AKA Red Hood.

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