Chapter 4 - How Purple Onions Train

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730am, so far it's been a good day despite the nightmare and onslaught of news reports

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730am, so far it's been a good day despite the nightmare and onslaught of news reports. Resting on the window-seat calms my nerves lately. The fresh scent of new dew rising from the flowers dances in the air. I love how the breeze gently brushes my skin while the sunlight is warm enough to lull me into a daze.

  I didn't realize my tea had cooled off. My mind has been drifting, tuning in and out to Nujabes playing in the background.

 I began remembering getting ready for my journey to visit Suzu that fateful day, about three weeks ago now. I woke up so excited that I pranced around to Pitbull while getting ready, it was early as f*** though🤨. Tijuana made it seem like dealing with Justin's b****ing all day would be worthwhile. His designs aren't even stunning, he needed those fresh ideas. That prick wouldn't know a great proposal even if it knocked him in the face. *pft* I bet his jaw would drop if he knew who Miss Baja is now muhfucka💅🏾. 

 That lil b****. He was always trying to tell somebody "no" so his crap self worth would be inflated. Pissant, tongue rolling, bushy bristled face looking- 🤔 f*** him, back to my tragic a** occurence I was recalling.
I was so thrilled on the drive down to see Suzu. I was thinking we'd get to catch up on everything we missed discussing over the phone, maybe hit up some local specialty shops, restaurants, and go through the pageant together. We used to love dressing up and playing in makeup before during our preteen years; so as adults it's like a dream come true.

 *sigh* I almost wish we never went to that club. F***ing dirty old man, how many women has Chief Saucedo exploited just so that they can experience a moment's shot at fame? *shiver* I have the urge to hop in the shower and scrub down where he groped me, he was such a roach! 

 Three weeks' time passed so slowly, I thought I would end up dead for sure between Las Estrellas and the DEA. Should I be grateful for Lino being there in that moment when the bathroom was raided? Hah, f*** no. I wouldn't have been in that mess had he not orchestrated the move in the first place bruh.
Despite that, my memories faded back to when we would rest together at the end of each day. For whatever reason, Lino decided that I was his bed-mate for most nights. Occasionally, if he had a late run or wanted to keep me aware of my place he'd send me to sleep in the dual room with Isabel. I never knew what to expect with him; that's how he wanted it. Some days I'd wake up at gun point, others he'd be gently shaking my shoulders and caressing my hair until I arose.

"Hey Chula, go to my room and change for sleep, I'll be there in a minute." -L
Gloria is almost done changing pants when Lino opens the door. She pauses and stares at him "can you not?" - G"
I like it though, keep going I won't bite tonight" *wink* - L
'I swear I'm gonna stab him in his sleep!' *rolls eyes* "I'm not your entertainment, turn around!.......Please." - G
*sly grin* "Mamita do what you gotta do." - L
'I can't believe this muhfucka! He's just gonna sit right in front of me and watch me get dressed?! A**hole!' "Why am I in here tonight? What do you want from me? I want to share the room with Isabel again tonight." - G
"You wanna be in an unlocked, no door room with hella pent up, sexfrustrated, stressed, strong a** guys moving through the hallway all night? You can, ... just know they're drinkin' a lot. Also, Isabel's with Poyo tonight. Don't be surprised if you wake up with some stranger humpin' you. You'll be lucky if it's only one of them." - L
'I need to get away from this place fast before something worse happens. I can tell he isn't bluffing me. He looks so nonchalant as he says this, but his eyes look as though he's daring me to leave.' "I'll lay here tonight." - G
'Wise girl, she's figured out not to be without a vato(guy) here.' "Fine with me. *smirk* Take off the pants." - L
"What?" 'What the f*** happened to that glimpse of relief he had just flashed  a second ago?!' - G
"Come over here Chula. *waves finger*" 'Heh, she looks so against the idea. Should I play a lil more?' "Hurry up, this ain't a democracy!" - L
*slides pants off slowly* 'God, please don't let him rape me or kill me tonight! I have to find Suzu. We have to get home! I can rarely read this man's thoughts. I have to do something, if he finds me a nuisance I'm dead on the spot. If he takes a liking to me further he might claim me as his woman for the next few hours or days and continuously rape me. I don't want to be treated like how Poyo interacts with Isabel. This is not what I imagined my risque Mexicano fairytale to be like. How the frick am I gonna avert his attention?! Think b****, we don't got all night! This man looks ready to pounce on me!' *briskly walks over to the bed* - G
'Hahaha, this girl is so cautious tonight. Why?' *reclines back* "Take off my shoes, I've been running all day." - L
*looks around* "Hold on." *walks to bathroom* - G
'The f***, what's she on?' *watches her move around* "Whatchu doing in there Chula?" 'She better not try something stupid, I'm not in the mood to restrain her tonight.' - L
*walks out approaching the foot of the bed* "This will feel better." - G
She starts taking off his left shoe as Lino watches with partial interest and partial tiredness. Then she takes off the right shoe and both socks.
He lets his head droop back for a second until he feels something strange on his foot. *sits up* "Mujer, que hac---[Woman, what are ---]" -L
"You said you've been moving all day. Just enjoy it, I won't do this again." - G
'Damn, this warm towel feels so good ~  haaaaah. Oooh~ aye yeaaah, dig that lil knuckle in. I needed this massage. This girl's getting some fruit in the morning for this treatment.' "Make sure you don't do this for none of them, only for me. They'd be on you heavy if you did this, aight?" - L
"Got it." 'I don't want to touch any of them anyways. At least his feet aren't smelly or gross.' - G
She stopped massaging Lino's feet with the warm towel.
"Ayyyyye I'm not finished yet, do it again" Lino drawls out slowly.
'*snickers* Is it that good? I guess he's more tired than he let on.' "Nah, I'm done."- G
'This girl got the nerve to relax my feet and dip? Helll naw, she's got me-' "You think it's optional? I said do it again." - L
🤨 *pft* 😏 - G
Gloria goes back to the bathroom and comes out again.
'Who's she raising her eyebrow at?! I oughta pluck that d*** loose strand out!' - L
'Ungrateful a**, he's lucky I don't choke him in his sleep! I swear if he wasn't a key player in my 'safety' here it'd be a wrap for him tonight.' *climbs onto bed* -G
'Why's she crawling behind me? She better not try anything funny. I don't feel like getting rough.' - L
Warm fingers meet Lino's temples.......they rotate slowly ............and glide gently. He slightly turns and sees Gloria's eyes shut with some semblance of peace as though she's meditating as she works on him. A small humming begins from her, then she reaches for something.
Lino tenses and is about to grasp her hands when- "Here, I'm putting this over your face for a moment. You can rest your hands around my neck until I you can squeeze if you feel like I'm suffocating you." - G
A hot damp towel brushes Lino's hands. He nods, and decides to lean his back onto her chest litely. He then rests his arms around the nape of her neck loosely.
Gloria lays the warm towel over his face delicately and begins tenderly massaging his face.
"You stopped the music." - L
"Huh?" 'What music is he tal--' Oh." *humming resumes* "Can I put something on my legs, I'm a bit cold." - G
*tosses blanket* - L
"Thanks." - G
Over the next 20 minutes she moves from his face to his scalp, then to his neck, and slowly onto his shoulders. Eventually her hands move in a barely existent tempo gradually coming to a halt as their breathes slow too.
*floorboard creeks outside*
*knock knock knock*
Lino stirs immediately and grabs his gun from his hip as the door suddenly swings open.
*sigh* He lowers his gun. "Don't you know how to knock compa[bruh]?" - L
"I did knock, you were too busy wrapped in your gata[woman] to notice!" - Poyo
Lino looks down and realizes Gloria is sound asleep while wrapped around his chest from behind as he rests between her blanket veiled thighs.
'S***, how'd we fall asleep like this? Guess I was too tired yesterday.' "What do you want?" - L
"Just wanna run some of the new recruits by you. See what's the plan for today." - P
"Ok, I'll be down in a minute. Tell Tucán to come down too." - L
"Yea, make sure you don't let this b**** get too hot on you, I don't trust her. She moves funny." - P
"Get out!" - L
Gloria shifts in her sleep at Lino's voice.
He looks down and tries to move out of her grip, 'She's holding on for dear life. *snicker*' "Ey Chula, wake up. Got business to handle girl." -L
After a few light shakes Gloria wakes up. 'Something's super warm and cozy, I don't wanna move. *sigh*' - G
She unwittingly clings a little tighter to Lino until she feels his hand slide up her arm. *jumps* Gloria awakens, suddenly alert & stops moving. 'When did I *looks down* ...we... start to nod off?' "Why are you on me! What did you do?!" *flails* *starts pushing him* -G
*rolls eyes* "You clung to ME, I had nothing to do with this woman, d*** calm yoself." - L
Gloria pauses.
"Like I was saying, I got business to handle - get dressed, I've got some stuff for you to do." - L
Lino leans in on Gloria's face. She blinks.
*stares* - L
"Qué (What)?" - G
"Don't push me again, got it?" - L
*yoink* 'I thought that was going to go better, this bastard really caught my foot at this angle?' - G
"So you try to kick me immediately after I said not to push me again? 🤨*tch* 😒 get your clothes on and meet me downstairs." *tosses foot*. - L

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2020 ⏰

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