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Oh my goodness I'm so nervous; I hope you guys like it! Thanks so much for reading!😍
     A few seconds after Gally leaves, I start to feel awkward so I go back to my ever-welcoming companions: the carrots.
I finish chopping the remaining few then turn to Newt slowly. "Frypan didn't send you to check on me," I say tentatively, not sure if my hunch is correct.
Newt smiles slightly and shakes his head. "No. I just...wanted to see how you were doing."
I'm not sure how to react. "Okay...But I don't need a babysitter." Maybe Gally was right about that part; maybe they think I'm fragile, that I can't handle myself. They put me in the kitchen, after all.
"I'm not trying to babysit you," Newt assures me. As I scrape the chopped carrots into a bowl, he comes alongside me and says, "Don't listen to Gally. You're a Greenie, plain and simple, and you're no less capable just because you're a girl."
I bark out a humorless laugh. "And that's why you and the Council put me in the kitchen?" I push past him and grab a bucket of water from by the door. After heaving it onto the counter—and nearly causing a tsunami—I reach under the counter and snatch up a towel, folded neatly on top of the many others I washed that morning.
"But hey, at least I get to do laundry every day, too!" I snap, throwing my arms up and nearly whipping him in the face with the towel. He sighs and tries to interject, but I continue. "And, if I'm lucky, a shuck-faced Keeper will come in here asking me to make him food not two hours after lunch!"
"I saw Gally come in, Y/N. That's why I came in: to check on you," Newt admits.
I begin gathering dirty spoons and knives from around the room and stacking them to the left of the bucket.
When I finish collecting the last few utensils, I drop them loudly onto the pile. Then I turn and realize how close we're standing.
I lean against the counter, cross my arms, and look up at him. "And you couldn't have come any sooner? All he does is belittle me, always asking me to cook something for him, or telling me to hurry up and do his laundry because he wants to wear his favorite—"
I stop myself and exhale, dropping my head as I realize that I've never told anyone how I feel about all this.
"I hate this," I whisper quietly.
"Y/N, I unders—"
"No, you don't!" I exclaim, startling both of us with my outburst.
     I try to go back to the dirty dishes, but Newt catches my wrist.
     It scares me at first, but when I look into his eyes, the kindness I find there melts away the fear.
     "Y/N, listen," he begins. "I may not understand feeling confined to a stereotypical job, or being harassed by a jerk like Gally, but I do understand how you feel." He finally drops my wrist. Something changes in his eyes, and it suddenly seems like he's far away, lost in his thoughts. His voice softens. "This place messed with my mind at first, right after I came up. It drove me to a terrible place and eventually I couldn't take it anymore, that feeling of being trapped and hopeless. So I decided to do something about it...Maybe I'll never fully regret what I did, but I can promise you that it does get better. Even though guys like Gally may never respect you, there're some guys who already do. They're the only ones whose opinions should matter to you."
     I want to cry, and the impulse makes me feel weak...which makes me want to cry even more. All the emotions I've been bottling up threaten to push me over the edge.
     Newt steps toward me. My breathing is heavy and uneven as I try to hold back my tears.
As much as I hate this job—this life—I manage to keep myself from crying.
But then Newt tells me, "It's okay to cry." And then I can't help it.
As soon as he opens his arms to me I step into them, throwing my arms around his neck and burying my face in his shoulder.
His strong arms encompass me gently, and he lets me leave tear stains on his shirt—a shirt I suddenly remember washing yesterday.
     After a few perfect seconds, his shirt has dried my tears. I slowly step away and feel like maybe—just maybe—everything will be okay if I have a good friend like him by my side.
Okay, tbh, I already have about 25 pages of this written on my laptop so right now I'm pretty much just going through the editing process...which has turned out to be a LOT more difficult now that I'm writing for people other than myself!

I SO hope you're having as much fun with this as I am, though!😋

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