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Leaving the firehouse after a little bit, I went to my apartment. Ignoring the small ache in my shoulder, I continued into my bedroom. Carefully and slowly changing into comfy clothes, I flopped onto the couch in a position that wouldn't hurt me. I buried my head into the cushions.

I wanted to ignore the world, just sleep my worries away. Only that couldn't happen due to a knock on my apartment door. Silently groaning, I stood up for the couch. Opening the door, I was surprised by Matt standing there with bags in his hands. I eyed the items for a few seconds before looking into his gorgeous eyes. "You moving in or something".

He chuckled at my joke, before placing all the items on the counter to face me fully. "I have decided to become your designated chief and such until you are able to do some things on your own.".

"Matty". Being the stubborn person I was, I was going to tell him that I would figure it out on my own. Even though I broke down in his office earlier about not being able to do anything by myself. The Blue eye captain walked over to me, his eyes directly looking into mine.

"Teag". Stopping in front of where I was standing, his hand raised towards my cheek, caressing it. Leaning into his hand softly at the affection, a grin was raised onto his face. "I told you I wasn't going to let you do this alone. Besides I like spending time with you". A small kiss was placed on my cheek before he waltzed into the kitchen like it was a normal thing.

Blushing madly, I sat at the island, watching my superior officer waltzing around my kitchen like he has lived here for years. "Now is there anything in particular you want M'lady"

Giggling at his attempt of a British accent, I tried to cool it enough so I could talk in my own accent. "No kind sir". Making eye contact with one another we couldn't hold our straight faces any longer. Laughter bounced around the room and these goofy grins clearly painted on our faces. The longer the two of us stared at one another, love radiating into the already happy atmosphere.

A while passed and lets say Matt is probably gonna boot me from the kitchen the next to he makes something. As he was cutting up the peppers and onions for the food, when he would turn his head I would steal the peppers off the cutting board and start eating them when he looked back to where I was sitting. Playfully smacking my hand, he would scold me and go back to preparing.

By the time dinner was finished, it was like the bond between the two us grew stronger. Helping me off the stool, he guided me to the table. Sparks started to tingle through my hand as his hand held onto mine. Twirling me around, I smiled brightly as I faced the Captain. "You are such a gentleman Matt Casey. You must do it for all the ladies"

Softly looking down at me, his smile almost made my knees buckle from underneath me. "Only for you Teagan". Hearing the admission come from him, my eyes pierced into his own, only to see truth clear as day in his eyes. Placing my hand on his cheek, the man relaxed at my touch.

Wrapping his hand around my waist, he brought me closer to him. Both of momentarily forgetting about the food on the table, we stayed in this moment. Tilting my head to look at him fully, Matt brought his other hand to my cheek. Both of us leaning in slowly.

Closing my eyes, a fire ignited inside of me the second his soft lips met mine. Falling into sync with his lips, I kissed him back. Moving his hand to the back of my neck, he pulled me closer to him. As we pulled away from one another, I stayed in his loving hold. "We should have done that sooner".

Chuckling at me, he placed another kiss on my lips before bringing me to the table. As the two of us ate, a weight was lifted off my shoulders, knowing that Matt feels the same way about me. The rest of dinner we both talked about literally anything, mostly it surrounding us asking stupid questions and receiving stupid answers in response.

I was going to help clean up, but being one hand down, and a look from Matt I sat on the stool watching him. "You staying the night" I asked, a hint of hope in my voice. The blue eyed firefighter smiled at me before nodding.

"Wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Besides I got to keep an eye on you Teag, your are a trouble maker.".

"I'm not that bad Matty". Only he shot me a look of disbelief , biting my lip, I turned away to keep from laughing. Finishing up the dishes, I pointed him towards the bathroom so he could change into something comfy.

Sitting on the couch, I continued to smile like an idiot. Although it took this long to admit our feelings to each other because of an injury, I wouldn't want it any other way. A sudden feeling of someone sitting beside me on the couch, their hands wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to them. Laughing out, kisses were placed all over my face and hands tickling my sides.

Leaning into Matt, I relaxed at his affection. Laying his head on my shoulder, the two of us stayed like that. Both falling asleep, love flowing through us.

SirensOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora