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Sitting in the ER, Sylvie and Emily stayed with me. Seeing as they were my ride back to the station, and concerned friends. Will came through the door, X-rays in his hands. "You got lucky Linc, there is no major damage. We just need to put your arm in a sling for a few days to allow everything to heal and to go back to normal. "

Sighing ever so slightly, I looked at my other brother. "I am assuming that means I can't go on calls". Hearing chuckles erupt around the room, he shook his head.

"Not for a little bit. I want you to come back in 5 days, we will do another scan and see if everything is all good. If it comes back clear, you are allowed to go back on calls. For now take it easy, and don't use that arm. "

Nodding the ginger, he pulled me into a brotherly hug. "I am going to tell Jay". Widening my eyes slightly I shook my head rapidly.

"He is going to kick my ass Will. He hates when I get injured". Chuckling at my desperation, he kissed the top of my head. Waving me away, Foster, Brett and I left Chicago Med. Let me tell you, it is a real struggle trying to do things one handed.

Pulling into the firehouse, I noticed a Captain and Lieutenant waiting for us. Sliding out of the ambo with Emil's help, Matt and Kelly stared at the sling. "I'm out of commission for a few days"

Severide pulled me into a hug, guilt so clear in his eyes. "i'm so sorry Tegs. I tried to get there as fast as possible..". Stopping my partner in crime, I squeezed his shoulder.

"Listen to me, I do not blame you. I know you were trying to get me as fast as possible. It was a freak accident that the rope broke. I am going to be ok, it's just a few days of sitting on the sideline making food one handed". Chuckling at my humor, He hugged me once more before walking inside. A small frown formed as i stared at him. I may have told him it was ok, but I know he is blaming himself.

Turning towards the dirty-blonde captain, he looked relieved. Wrapping his arms around me, he held me protectively. "I'm glad you are ok Teag. I was worried". Butterflies started to form when I heard the concern in his voice. Taking his hand in my good one, I intertwined our fingers.

"It takes a lot more than that to take me out of commission Captain". Cheekily smiling at Matt, he let out a small laugh. Bringing me closer to him, I laid my head on his shoulder. Although my shoulder was starting to hurt now, I wasn't going to tell him that. He worries enough as it is.

Walking through the double doors, I made my way to Boden's office. As I approached, I already saw he was waiting for me. "What's the diagnosis"

"Gotta sit back on calls for a few days. Heading back to get another X-ray in 5 days, Will says that if it comes back clear I am allowed to go back on calls". Boden gave a curt nod. We talked for a few minutes about what was going to happen for the next few days. Putting up a little bit of a fight, I was able to stay at the firehouse during shifts, but couldn't go on calls.

Walking away from the intimidating Chief, I headed towards the bunk room. A wince of pain finally coming out. Shutting my eyes slightly, I sat on my bunk. Footsteps came closer towards me, until they bent down to my level. "It hurts doesn't it". Matt's voice spoke out, he knew. No matter how hard I tried not to show it, he always saw passed my facade.

"yeah" My voice came out weak, filled with pain. Staring into his blue orbs, he helped me stand up. Bringing me into his office quarters, he shut the door and closed the blinds. Knowing I wouldn't want anyone to worry about me. Opening the first aid kit in his desk drawer, he whipped out an ice pack. Lifting my shirt slightly, he laid the ice pack in between my bra strap and the skin. The cold bringing some relief to my throbbing shoulder.

"That should help for a little while". Smiling gratefully at him, I laid my head on his shoulder. Intertwining my good hand with his own, he traced shapes over my hand. A small kiss being placed on my head when a call came in through the intercom. Lifting my head hearing that Casey was leaving, he squeezed my hand.

"Be safe Matt". Glancing at me once again, he left a long kiss on my forehead, before jogging towards the trucks. Walking out to the apparatus floor, I waved at the others. Watching until all the trucks were out of sight, I sighed softly. This was going to be a long, painful shift. Heading back inside, I smiled thoughtfully as I stared at the kitchen.


Placing the last pancake on the plate, I heard the trucks pulling back into the firehouse. The firefighters came bounding in, stopping in surprise by all the food I managed to make one handed. To say I felt accomplished was an understatement. Smiling at them, they all rushed towards the food. Laughing at the antics, I smiled as I made eye contact with Matt from across the room.

Arms wrapped around my waist and kisses were placed on both sides of my cheeks. One being from Stella and the other from Sylvie. "Girl we have been dying for you to cook". Chuckling at their antics, the instantly sat down. Conversations started all around the room, all tuning out Matt and I.

Staring at the captain, he gave a cheeky smirk. "I see you made pancakes". Thinking about the conversation from this morning, I laughed lightly.

"I had no idea what else to make. Doing things one handed is a struggle."

Chuckling at my distaste, we sat down at the table. Playful arguments bouncing all along the table. "I think this needs to be made official, Teagan must now cook all breakfast meals". Sounds of agreements being made. Rolling my eyes playfully, I nodded.

"Fine, but only when I can use both of my hands."

As everyone starting to make their way into the bunk room, Matt stopped me for a second. "I want you to take my quarters". I was about to put up a fight, when he grabbed my hand. "I don't know when the bells are going off but I want you to be able to sleep. The bunk room is going to be loud". Smiling at his concern, I nodded softly.

"But where are you going to sleep. I mean they are your quarters. Aren't people going to be curious". Shaking his head, we started our way towards the sleep room.

"I will just sleep on one of the beds in the bunk room. If they question, well I will simply tell them I want you to sleep off the pain without the distractions". Butterflies started to fly in my stomach, a small blush rushing to my cheeks.

"Thanks Matty". Kissing his cheek, I walked into the bunk room, slipping past everyone, I snuck into Matt's quarters. Laying on the bed, I started to fall asleep when the bells went off. Sitting up from the bed, I watched as everyone rushed out of the room.

Following them, I stood at the door that led to the apparatus floor. Although Matt said, I should sleep, it felt wrong that they all had to go out and I got to sleep. The least I could do was wave them off. Watching them pull out, I went back to the bunk room.

Staring at Matt's quarters, I felt bad that he slept out here. Carefully laying down on my bunk, I closed my eyes. Ignoring the pain the enveloped my arm, I finally did sleep.

Only as I was so far gone, that when they returned, Matt realized that I had follow them out. He picked me up, carefully placing me back on the bed in his office.

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