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"I promise I will be fine" I spoke into the phone. Jay was worried about me going to the firehouse. Not the firehouse itself, he trust everyone in there with my life. He just doesn't trust that I won't sneak into the fire truck and go on calls.

"I believe you, but no sneaking onto the fire trucks and no using your arm.". Rolling my eyes, I smiled nonetheless.

"Ok J-Dog. Be safe at work, only one of us is allowed to be injured at a time. Will would murder the both us" laughing through the phone, we said out goodbyes before hanging up.

I waltzed into the common room and the first person who spotted me was the elusive Stella Kidd. "Queen Teagan has returned". Basically flying in the air, she pulled me into a hug. "It is unbearable without you being here"

Chuckling softly, I was thrown into another hug by Sylvie and Emily. Us girls stick together. I got hugs from everyone in the firehouse. "You are stuck with me today ladies and gents. I'm chilling at the firehouse"

As everyone started talking amongst themselves, I realized Matt wasn't in the room. Snapping my eyes towards Severide, he subtly gestures towards the bunk room. Sneaking past the squad, I opened the door, my eyes instantly connected to Matt sitting at his desk.

Wandering my way over, I opened the door, leaning on it. It took a minute to realize someone was there, but when he did look up, a huge smile appeared. "I didn't know you were coming today Teag". Standing in his warm embrace, he hugged me.

"Wanted to surprise you guys". A dazzling smile sparkled onto his face. The two of us walked out of his office and towards the common room, both just enjoying being next to each other. As we were about to turn the corner, the bell went off, and a small sigh was heard when Truck 81 was called.

Placing a kiss on my cheek, Matt ran towards the apparatus floor. Trying to tone down the blush, I entered the common room, spotting Ritter in the kitchen by himself. Making my way over to him, a large smile came on his face.

"Hey Tegs" leaning against the counter, I talked to the candidate as he made food for everyone. I honestly never agreed with the 'candidate had to cook' rule. I don't know how I did it but I always seemed to bypass doing it.

"How is your boy treating you". At the mention of his boyfriend he smiled brightly, and his eyes held a range of happiness and love. Just staring at him, I smiled myself, happy to know he was in a good relationship.

Secretly helping him put the food on the plate, he snuck me a piece of bacon. I grinned victoriously as all the other firefighters came back. Eating the piece of bacon, I sat with a content smile.

I was chilling in the chair, when Matt sat next to me. Greeting the Captain's presence with an innocent smile, he chuckled softly. "How have you been doing Teag.". I shrugged my one shoulder staring at the table for a few seconds.

"I'm not gonna lie, the past 2 weeks have been rough". Noticing my mood change, he knew this wasn't something I wanted to talk in front of the others. They maybe family, but with underlying trust issues, I don't want them to worry to much.

Entering the tiny Officer Quarters, Matt shut his door, facing me. "What's going on Teagan"

Sighing, I sat on the bed defeated. "I feel useless. I can't do anything, I can't freaking cook with one hand, so I'm relying on take out. Only now since I am not really working I don't have money. Then I don't want to tell anyone, because then I will feel like burden, more than I already am."

I put it all out there, tears painting my face as I told Matt the truth. His hand immediately cupped my face, wiping away my tears. "Don't you ever think you are a burden or useless because you aren't. Teagan you aren't supposed to go through this adversity alone, everyone is here for you. I'm here for you".

Breaking down in front of him once again, he pulled me into his embrace. A soft kiss being placed on the top of my head. "You aren't doing this alone". All I could do was nod against his chest. I stayed in his arms for a while. He projects a sense of security and love, something that makes me fall for him more each day. 

Eventually leaving the office, the two of us walked around the firehouse, Matt knowing I was losing my mind slightly. Well I was until Stella smiled at Matt and I suspiciously. Before we could ask any questions, I was ripped away from Matt and dragged out the door. 

Turning back to Matt, he stood there laughing. I sent him a pleading look but he just smiled and waved. I would have flipped him off but the only arm I had was being pulled by Kidd. Feeling myself being pushed down on one of the squad chairs, I was surrounded by the girls, all looking like cops. "Talk"

Genuinely looking confused, my eyes wandered between the three girls. "what's going on". 

"What's going on between you and Matt". Trying to hide the blush that was trying to form, I shrugged. The one thing I was good at was interrogations, seeing as Jay made sure that I would remain calm if was in a situation like that. Seems like the training was being put to the test. 

"I have no clue what you are talking about". The 4 of us started bickering or well I started bickering with the 3 of them. None of us were willing to back down. Just after a little while I did. As their shoulders started to deflate, I smiled at them. "You know you could have just asked me without interrogating me. Yes I like Matt". 

Before they could strangle me the bells went off and everyone came flying out of the firehouse. Watching all of them gear up and jump into the trucks, I waved them off.

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