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"How could I be so stupid" was the first thing I heard walking into the firehouse. Looking towards Stella her head was in her hands. The inner mom in me walking over to see if my girl was alright.

"What's wrong Stel" upon hearing my voice, she looked like her prayers have been answered. Grabbing my hands, practically yanking me into the chair across from her.

"Kelly and I got into a fight last night. I just feel so stupid, I blew things out of proportion. I don't want to ruin things with him" squeezing her hand I gave her a soft smile.

"Well, I believe that you should talk to him. Fights happen. If you really love him, which I can see that you do, you will make it work"

Standing up from the chair, I could see a look of relief in her eyes. Walking into the locker room, I spotted Matt at his locker. Butterflies started to fill my stomach, but I had to ignore them.

As if sensing me, he turned around, a bright smile adorning his features. "Hey Teagan "

"Hey Matt." Opening my locker, I placed my stuff inside before turning to the captain "how did your date go last night"

A slight part of me was jealous, but the other part of me wanted him to be happy. "It was something else" but in other words it was terrible.

"That bad"

"That bad" chuckling at the distaste in his eyes at the mention of his date, I gave a small smile. Placing a hand on his shoulder, it caused his eyes to look directly into mine.

"You will find that girl Matt. You deserve it". Placing his hand on top of mine he squeezed it in thanks. Walking away to let him be alone in his thoughts, I frowned before shaking it away.

Returning to the common room, I watched Tuesday playing with Ritter. Only her attention was quickly distracted by the sight of me. Pushing Ritter out of the way, she ran over to me. Bending down to the Dalmatian, licks started to be place all over my face.

Laughing, I kissed Tuesday on the top of her head. "Aren't you good girl" glancing towards Ritter, he held a hand over his heart, feigning hurt that Tuesday ditched him for me.

Walking outside to get some air, a tense vibe lingering. Hearing footsteps approach me from behind, I could see Severide making his way over. "How are you and Stella" my voice spoke out once he was standing next to me. Both of us stared out into the streets.

"We will figure out. Just a rough patch". About to speak the dispatcher beat me to it.

Squad 3, Truck 81, Ambo 61 warehouse fire 425 Langfield Drive

Turning on our steps, Severide and I sprinted towards the Squad truck. Slipping on the gear, I gave Kidd our secret handshake before getting in the truck. Spotting the loving glances exchanged by Stella and Kelly, a small smile appeared.

Hopping out of the truck with Severide once we arrive at the scene, I was a bit stunned. Individuals hanging out of windows trying to escape.

Turning towards Severide he nodded. "Tony, Capp go up to the 6th floor, get people out. Cruz get that ladder ready. Lincoln your with me". Attaching the tank to my back, I held my mask and helmet. Stopping by the entrance to the building, we secured our mask and fire helmet. Touching Severide's shoulder, we started moving.

Carefully walking up the stairs, we kept our eyes and ears appealed. Getting to the 7th floor, we started the call outs. "Chicago Fire Department Call Out".

We started thoroughly checking the rooms for survivors. About to turn around, a huge sound caught Severide and I's attention. "The buildings about to go, get out of there"

Looking at one of the windows, I nodded to it with my head. "Lieutenant. We aren't going to make down those stairs in time." Calling in through his walkie that we needed the Ladder, a huge popping sound caught my attention.

Seeing a beam starting to go, I grabbed his tank, pulling him towards me. Not even a second later the beam fell right were Kelly stood. Smashing the window open, I slowly climbed onto the later. Wrapping my arm around the rail, I turned to help Severide.

We started to make our way down, when the buildings explosion, forced Severide off the side. Jumping down on to the ladder, I grabbed his wrist. Straining my teeth, I held him as tight as I could.

"Casey's on his way up. Hold on" pain started to flare in my arms. Kelly looked at me like I was a freaking angel for catching him. A figure appeared beside me, grabbing Severide's other arm. Pulling him up onto the ladder, I sighed in relief.

"Severide I love you but you are heavy" hearing the boys beside me laughing, we carefully made our way down. Safely on the ground with less complications Matt stopped by my side, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"You ok." Laying my hand on top of his, I squeezed it.

"Yeah. Thanks for coming up there, I didn't know how much longer I could have held him" receiving a smile and a hand squeeze in return, we made our way to the trucks.

Putting the gear away, Kelly leaned on the truck beside me. "You saved my ass back there"

Chuckling, I gave him a soft smile. "You have my back. It was my time to return the favor". Leaping into the truck, we started our way back to the station.

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