Feeling betrayed, Y/n simply grabbed onto Rai and began too hug her, bring her body around so he could hug her, only too feel the Pokémon squirm from his grasp and jump onto Gloria's lap. Crocodile tears swelled up in Y/n's eyes as he ate, feeling somewhat anxious for an array of reasons today.

"So you two ready for your journey? I can finally have the house for myself then." Sleepily asked Rose, who was Y/n's mother and Y/n's sole parent, while also being a second mother for Gloria. "You both have everything packed? Don't you Y/n?" Accusingly asked Rose, making Y/n pause his eating briefly and look up, nodding his head in confirmation a second later once he recalled packing his gear the night before.

"I'm not a complete idiot, an idiot yes but I'm not a complete one." Defensively huffed Y/n, scarfing down the remains of his food, before standing up and bringing it over to the sink. "I'm getting ready, Gloria you can do the same whenever." Loudly informed Y/n, slightly jogging off in order too get to Hop's house shortly.

That left both Rose and Gloria in the kitchen, the former had a cheshire smile growing on her face, while the latter was purposely focusing on Rai while she ate. The smile on Rose's cheeks grew large as she saw Gloria's cheeks darken in color.

"So, have you asked my son yet? I'm sure he'd love too travel with you, after all the idiot has burned instant noodles before, so I'm sure he'd love you all the more for cooking for him." Amusedly purred Rose, recalling the first day both she and Y/n moved into this house, the same day her little boy met both Hop and Gloria. "Besides, what you do if someone else stole him? Y/n ain't ugly by any stretch of the imagination, he got his looks from his father and let me say, my husband was a catch in his prime." Happily sighed Rose, despite having not seeing for the man for a dozen years, you'd have to be blind too call Y/n's father ugly, before Rose looked at the person who was more or less a part of her family.

Gloria, another 17 year old who had been friends with Y/n since they were both 8. She had light brown hair, that almost touched her shoulders, with the majority of it brushed over towards the left, which caused her left brown eye too almost be covered. Gloria stood at 5'7, had soft skin, a real beauty for anyone too get, and yet it seemed like her idiot of a son who was an idiot. Gloria wore a pink skirt that went down half of her thighs, with a large grey, woolen jacket covering her upper body.

"Wha? Wait!? I umm?! I..."Confusedly squeaked Gloria, who was acting absolutely adorable, as she tried too deny the crush that she had on her son. "I gotta get ready!" Nervously squealed Gloria, dashing out of her seat causing Rai too leap off before hand, as Gloria skidded out of the house.

Rose now sat alone in the kitchen, she was finally going too be the only human in the house, and she was kinda sad about it. Footsteps squealed from the hallway, making Rose look up and see her son all ready for the first day of his adventure, the adventure he had been yearning for since his father left.

"I'm leaving mom, I love you." Loudly mumbled Y/n, wrapping his mother into a hug, while adjusting black backpack on his bag, making Rose jolt up as she recalled something. "I'll be heading off now, and I'll call regularly." Gently informed Y/n, stepping back and showing off his black hoodie, his yellow tracksuit bottoms, and his black sneakers.

"Wait a second Y/n." Commandingly barked Rose, making Y/n freeze mid step, while his mother dashed around the kitchen and opened up a cupboard, pulling out a container. "Here, so I know you'll be safe." Motherly said Rose, handing Y/n something he had only seen for the majority of his life..... a Pokémon egg.

The egg in question was mainly a light shade of blue, except for the bottom which was a dark blue bordering black in color. On the light blue part of the egg were two markings, both yellow in color and both looked like a pair of Plus signs with the top line stretched out a bit.

I wanna be Legendary! (Pokemon Sword and Shield X Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now