"I'm intruiged." Parrish came through the door, out of uniform and in an Army hoodie and jeans. His blond hair was tossled as he sat down on the edge of Jacy's bed. "A ghost got kidnapped?"

"Yeah, Boyd." Jacy hardly looked up as she peeled through another book. "I felt him pass on, at least I felt how he died." She met her brother's eyes for a moment. "But I never got sick."

Jordan furrowed his eyebrow, "Seriously?" He was dumbfounded. "I knew your immunity was starting to build because your last one was delayed, but-"

"But there's no chance I could've gotten to where you are." She frustratedly sighed, letting a hand flail to the side. "There's nothing in any myths or cultures about taking a ghost hostage."

"J," Jordan put his hands over hers, "cool it for a second, all right?" Carefully, he took the book from her grasp. "It's supernatural, not science. It can always be unpredictable."

Jacy laughed lightly to herself. "Stiles said the same thing before."

"When you were still reading that damn neuroscience book, right?" Jordan gave a smile to the look on Jacy's face. "Well, I agree with him. I know logic is huge for you, but you have to learn there are very few logical things for people like us."

She frowned a little before nodding, "You'd think by now I'd know that."

"I'll tell you why you shouldn't feel bad." Jordan was always good with her. He was the only reason she'd been able to survive. "Five years and I forget sometimes, too."

"I don't know how you do it." Jacy shook her head, her natural wavy hair moving with her. "I really don't."

"You will." Jordan got on his knees before standing up, "Now, my sweet, very stressed little sister," he held his hands down to her, "Mom's waiting. It's the perfect thing to get your mind off of the clairvoyancy."

"Do we have to?" Jacy slapped her hands into Parrish's and was tugged up. "We're twenty-four and seventeen."

"Of course we have to, J." Jordan wrapped an arm around her shoulder, "Tomorrow's Christmas Eve. We have to decorate the tree or the holiday gets cancelled."

Jacy rolled her eyes as the two went into the hallway. "That's what Mom and Dad made up so they could sit back and we do all the work."

"Well, I'm not going to risk it."

They exchanged smiles and small laughs, making it feel like it had before their lives were flipped upside down.

That feeling had become incredibly rare.

| |

"J." Holding up two mugs, Jordan was standing by the glass door leading to the backyard. He nodded with his head in signal.

Jacy had spotted him through the window that didn't actually contain anything. She left the now festively decked room, grabbing her coat and pulling it on as she came into the kitchen.

Aaron barked lightly, trotting in. She cocked her head to on side, her stitiches healing in on her ear nicely.

"Yes, you can come too," Jacy told the puppy as Jordan opened the back door to the gazebo.

Like they had since they were little, Jordan and Jacy took chairs on the porch and made them face each other. Executing the hop into the chairs in sync, the two pulled their legs in and sat with them folded.

"So," Jordan sipped on his hot chocolate, unsure of what to start with.

"So," Jacy repeated, mirroring his actions without meaning to.

"How do you like Beacon Hills now that you're a part of their supernatural high school clique?"

She shrugged, Aaron jumping into her lap and curling up. "Fine, I guess."

Jordan lifted an eyebrow, "You moved across the country for an 'I guess' school?"

"We moved here because of you." Jacy softly petted her ever-growing dog. "You were attacked by Oni and there was the bomb threat."

"And I was fine," Jordan replied. "But I doubt you would've left if-"

"If I wasn't referred to as 'Unstable Jacy'?" Jacy finished for him. "Maybe not."

"People get you here." Parrish held his mug to keep his hands warm. "If that's the case, is your school really just fine?"

"Okay, so it's a lot better," Jacy admited, never able to slip from his deductions.

"How come you never talked to Scott or Stiles before the car crash?" Jordan set his mug aside and pocketed his hands into his coat. "You know, so it could've prevented your kidnapping excursion."

"Do you think pulling a Hayley Joel would've made me friends?" She wiggled the fingers on her free hand, faking a scary voice. "Oooo, I see dead people."

He chuckled, "Fair enough, even if the statement is true for us."

"Vividly true." Jacy hesitated, "Has there been anything on Stiles' case?"

"I think what we're looking for isn't just going to turn up. Unless Mexico is in ques-"

Jacy's phone buzzed, a call triggering her ringtone. "I doubt we'll need to go south of the border." Pulling out her galaxy, she saw a name spread across her screen and answered without hesitation. "Hey Derek."

The line stayed silent, a fuzzing noise in the bacground the only came with long distance calls.

"Derek? Is everything okay?" Jacy barely bit down on her thumbnail, glancing around the snow freckled ground. "Hale?" She shrugged as she hung up. "I guess he accidentally called or something."

Jordan watched his little sister rather carefully. "Hey, J?"

Jacy put down her phone by Aaron, continuing to pet her dog. "What?"

"You want to wake up Stiles tomorrow, don't you?"

"He deserves to be with his dad for Christmas."

Jordan smiled, thinking before speaking. "You'll be able to do it. I know you have it in you."

"Do you, uh, do you think he'll remember?" Jacy glanced down, absently tapping a finger on her knee. "Remember the drifting?"

"Remember you, you mean?"

Her eyes met Jordan's.

She didn't need to say anything for him to understand.

"I think that it depends whether or not he feels it too."

"Well," Jacy laughed subjectively, "Let's just hope it's a good Christmas this year, huh?"

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