teeth - negan

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description: - negan as a vampire x female reader, f/m.

warnings: - nsfw, swearing, eventual smut, blood & gore.

Negan is the handsome, strong and powerful leader of the Saviors. He can be intimidating to many of his fellow followers as he could frighten any of them with a simple glare. Not many people in the compound would take a chance to mess with their daunting leader, except for one. A young outsider with a fierce attitude just might meet the fearsome commander's match. However, Negan carries a dark secret that nobody knows, not even his most loyal lieutenants. He was a vampire behind closed doors.

song: - shameless - the weeknd

word count: - 2780 words


You could hear those footsteps from a mile away. You didn't belong there and you had to hide, quick. You stuffed the last bit of fresh food into your backpack and slung it over your shoulders as you began to rapidly walk away from the scene.

"Good afternoon, fuckers!" You heard his booming voice bounce off of the Sanctuary's metal walls and glanced upward to see the man who sported his typical leather jacket standing just above you on the second floor of the compound.


You knew who the leader was and you just couldn't be found. Not by one of his people, his lieutenants, and especially not by him. You found a small hiding spot in between a few storage boxes that were located close to the building's exit and nuzzled in there, trying to make yourself somewhat unseen.

All of the members of his crew kneeled immediately once they recognized his presence in the large room. They bowed their heads to their leader, waiting for his next words.

"Get yourselves fuckin' comfortable. You're all going to be kneelin' for a good while." He stated with assertiveness.

Great, how long is this going to take? - You thought to yourself as you could already feel your bones beginning to ache. - I need to get out of here.

"Now, if I may, I have something that needs to be addressed promptly." Negan tucked his tongue into his cheek and bit his lip as his eyebrows furrowed. "You all know that in order to have a position here at the Sanctuary, there must be.."

"Rules!" The crowd responded loudly to their ruler.

Negan nodded. "Exactly. I'm glad that you all know the rules here and that you follow them." His eyes gazed across the corridor below. "Well, at least the fuckin' majority of you do." He remarked lowly.

His angry expression riled up a bit of concern in the room as all of the people kneeling began to murmur to their peers.

"Quiet!" Negan barked out and the crowd became dead silent. He stroked his beard, stuggling to keep his composure.

"..And what happens if you break the rules here?" He propped his baseball bat onto his shoulder. "What the fuck happens if you deliberately disobey me?!" He howled out.

"Punishment!" His crew responded right away.

Negan smirked, impressed with how well most of his people were trained. "That's correct." He stated with a monotone voice.

Did one of his top lieutenants catch you stealing their rations? You took a shaky breath. You could feel your heart beginning to pound faster and faster with each word that left Negan's mouth.

"Now, a little fuckin' birdie told me that one of you motherfuckers are taking our shit without purchasing 'em with points! You thought you were fuckin' slick huh?" He chuckled and shook his head. "You ain't."

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