lethal kisses - negan x maggie

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description: - negan x maggie, highly requested, m/f.

warnings: - nsfw, swearing, a bit of violence, mention of blood, smut.

Based off of 11x07 of TWD. This is honestly disgusting. 18+ only.

song: - back it up - they

word count: - 2809 words


"Lower your shoulders..."

"Arms limp..."

"That's good, Maggie."

She glanced up at Negan with an icy stare as he guided her through the Whisperer tactic. The one in which he learned during his time with Alpha. 

They weren't friends. It had been seven long years after the death of her husband and Maggie could still barely tolerate him. He was the reason why her son didn't have his father in his life. Every time she thought about Glenn, she could feel herself begin to heat up with rage. It took everything in her power to not stick a knife through Negan's skull and achieve that sweet revenge every time he opened his mouth.

He smirked through his mask as they made eye contact. Clearly satisfied with her progress, Negan reached behind the second walker and untied its arms, allowing it to roam free with Maggie.

Her muscles began to tense as she could feel one of them graze the side of her arm. She could hear the loud chomping at the air, but remained calm and composed as she continued to slowly walk around the area. Elijah watched closely from as distance, keeping an eye on Maggie and both walkers to ensure her safety during the experiment.

"Atta girl, you got it." Negan murmured quietly, yet loud enough for Maggie to hear.

Her breath quickened as she began to panic under the skin mask. She was slightly claustrophobic and couldn't stand the smell and texture of it for much longer. 

Things were going quite smoothly until she suddenly tripped over a rock, alerting the walkers that there was someone nearby. Maggie raised her arms above her head in an attempt to take the mask off, which had caused her to blind her vision completely. By this time, the two walkers had turned around and begun to approach her without her even realizing it.

Negan's eyes widened in shock. "Shit!"

Before he could act, Elijah had already came to her rescue from behind the bushes, pulling the walkers away from Maggie before they could get to her. 

"Fuck, sorry man." Negan shook his head towards Elijah. "Take those two far away from here will you?" Sighing in worry, the other man nodded before leaving the premises with the walkers.

Maggie finally ripped the mask from her head when Negan turned to approach her. "Hey Maggie, I'm-"

"Piece of shit!" She threw the mask towards his chest and he grabbed it swiftly before it could hit him.

Chuckling, Negan removed his own mask from his face and smiled at her. "Well, it's not gonna fit you perfectly. It was.. someone else's face."

Maggie furrowed her eyebrows as she stared at the floor with no response.

"Look, this might actually work.. and I mean it." He stated with assertiveness. "If I can do it, you can do it."

"This is so stupid..." Maggie scoffed at his response. "I'm not trying that again, I nearly died just now!"

"Relax, Maggie. Elijah and I were right here watching, nothin' would have happened to you." Negan said, trying to make light of the situation by reassuring her. "Nothin' did happen to you, you're okay." 

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