Regulus was also pretty upset so I went over to him. He sat on the floor, leaning against one of the armchairs. I moved to sit on the empty chair he lent against.

"Hey Reg." I greeted, "pretty good game, don't you think."

Regulus schools his head as he replied angrily, "not really," he rolled his eyes. "If I had been a better Seeker, we would have won."

"Reg," I leaned forward, "you are a wonderful seeker. Best I've ever seen. It was one bad game. You still have next year to win every single game so don't worry."

Regulus sighed, "but none of you will be there to watch me win." He mumbled.

That's why he was so upset. He wanted to win this game because it would be the last time we all watched him play. We would all be leaving next year, leaving Regulus all on his own.

"Regulus." I said.

"Hmm?" He hummed back in response.

"I'll be there to watch every single game you play. Even if I have to illegally break into the school to watch, I'll be there."

"Thank you, Liv." He whispered.

I pushed back the tears I felt coming. I am really going to miss Regulus. He's always been like a little brother to me and I do not even want to imagine being away from him for a whole year.

I'll keep true to my word though. I will be at every single match he plays.

Hours later and it was 23:00. I left my friends in the common room and began my rounds for the night.

I would be doing my rounds alone tonight as James was no doubt still celebrating his win. I did not even want to imagine what the Gryffindor common room looked like at this point.

I've been to a Gryffindor party once and it was chaotic. I am pretty sure the Head Girl during that time had to stop a Gryffindor Fifth year from climbing out of the window. That Gryffindor Fifth year was James.

I hope he's not getting into any trouble tonight. I'd hate to hear he jumped out of the tower in an attempt to fly.

I heard talking and slight shouting as I neared the Gryffindor Common Room. Surely they would have put a silencing charm around the common room, right?

Gryffindors maybe be reckless but most of them aren't that stupid.

I rounded a corner and saw a group of learners. Probably Gryffindors. That explains the noise.

I stepped slowly towards them.

As I neared I saw that this was not just a group of drunken Gryffindors.

No, this was a duel between drunken Gryffindors and some angry Slytherins.

Of course, I thought as I got closer, it just had to be them.

Severus and James were locked in a duel and the Gryffindors cheered them on.

Lucius stood there not looking too pleased with the situation.

"Lucius!" I called. He turned his head and he looked quite shocked to see me. "Well hurry up and help me stop this." I gestured to the fight.

Lucius began trying to talk Severus out of the duel but his mind was fueled by anger and his ears became deaf to the world.

I looked around for someone to help, someone who was not as drunk, but it seemed even Remus had drank a little.

Before the fight could escalate I quickly grabbed my wand and disarmed the both of them. The Gryffindors booed and awed in disappointment.

"All of you, get back to your Common Rooms!" I commanded. Some left but The Marauders and Lucius and Severus remained.

"Severus," I called for his attention, "your wand." I chucked his wand at him and he caught it. "Now, Lucius. Take Severus back to the common room. 10 points from Slytherin for dueling, not to mention doing it past curfew."

Lucius and Severus walked away as they mumbled incoherently but they did not disagree. The four Marauders looked down at the floor. They knew they screwed up.

"Now for you boys. 10 points from Gryffindor. You're lucky I don't take more." I added when I saw their looks of disagreement. "Now go back your common room and put this party to an end before someone gets hurt."

They nodded. Remus spoke up when I grabbed James forearm to lead him back to our common room, "We'll take James back to his common room so you can finish your rounds."

I smiled gratefully. "Oh it's fine, I have already finished my rounds. This was the last corridor." I pulled James forward a bit to get him walking, but he was basically leaning on me to stay upright.

"Goodnight boys." I smiled.

"Night." They all mumbled before turning and walking back to what was hopefully the Gryffindor common room.

"Come on, James." I mumbled under my breathe and I nearly dragged him back to our common room.

We made it to the common room and I helped him sit down on the couch. I grabbed a glass and used a simple spell to conjure some water wordlessly and handed it to him.

I sat down next to him and stared into the fire. He put down the glass once he was finished and tended to face me. I turned slightly to see what he was doing.


Before I could finish my sentence I felt his lips on mine and as much as I wanted to give into the kiss I couldn't.

I pushed him away. He looked hurt and confused.

"James. You're drunk. I want to kiss you I do, but I don't want to take advantage of you." I explained.

"Alivia. I'll still want to kiss you when I'm sober." James looked me directly in my eye. His words stopped my heart and it felt as if I couldn't breathe.

"Goodnight James." I sighed as I stood up and walked to my room. I shut the door behind me and leaned against it. I could finally breathe.

I slid down the door and sat with my hands in my head.

What was I getting myself into?

I sighed before getting up and sliding into my warm, welcoming bed.

I just need sleep.

Maybe that will help.


Hello lovelies!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! It was a big one, especially for James and Alivia.

Thank you for reading! <3

– mysticpanda xx

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