Gray vs Esdeath Death Battle

263 1 15

You know what, this was a pretty good episode.

The fight was longer and better than expected and surprisingly, Esdeath won.

Gray's death could have been done better but what can you do? The song for this fight was pretty good too

Best episode this season so far

Next is Goro from Mortal Kombat vs Machamp from Pokemon.

I question whether it will be a wild machamp with no trainer influence with beefed up the max level 100 pokemon stats or be based off someone from the animes machamp, like they did for Pikachu vs Blanka, Pikachu being based off Ash's Pikachu

Death battle Review/Thoughts and OpinionsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ