Got to discuss Blake's Death Battle preview clip

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Sorry if this seems like a rant

There are 2 big things mentioned in this clip alone that has questioning them already

First is over 4 tons of TNT is Blake's aura durability but that took it from a volume 1 scene, specifically when RWBY and JNPR were fighting the nevermore and acted like the nevermore actually hit her twice though it pretty much only hit the structure and only other scene to show Blake falling from great heights to compare to the scene in volume 1 to measure her aura was in volume 6 when Adam jumped her and she hit the ground hard(I remember the ground was nerfed jokes)(and if there is another let me know)okay they seem to be overpowering Blake's aura while at the same time kind of nerfing it, remember the fucking ridiculous number for Yang's aura durability by the pillar and atlas mech feat, which is way different from a TNT type of measurement instead of plain get hit by a mech through a pillar(which had some things about it retconned in volume 3)

I also remember Elm almost shattered her aura in volume 7, does that mean Elm is as strong as the feat mentioned to measure Blake's aura, I don't know cause ace ops were nerfed so.............

And according to death Battle aura is passive shield that is the manifestation of one's soul, oh yeah remember in volumes like volume 5 it wasn't passive and had to be activated(remember that was pretty much why Vernal died) yeah this why a lot of older volumes are jokingly treated as not canon, especially volumes 1 to 3, they retcon too much

This shit is why I don't want Rwby characters in death Battle, too many inconsistencies and retcons that anything used to prop up a rwby character can be argued against

I just expect something else bad to happen

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