Omni-Man vs Homelander Death Battle

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Ummmmm I am mixed on this

I liked both rundowns but didn't necessarily laugh at any of the jokes, only chuckled at the Disney reference in Homelander's rundown

As for the actual fight, it was alright

Animation choice was good, though looked a little stuff at first

I honestly thought there would more innocent casualties than there was, and the fact this fight was really shorter than I thought

I thought Thor vs Vegeta seemed to move too quickly, then this episode happens. I assume it's cause Omni-Man is way more powerful than Homelander

The death was so brutal, Omni-Man rips Homelander's jaw off and makes him eat his own heart, just like he promised 🥰,(lol my emoji choice) wish there was more Brutal deaths like this

Little nitpick, the ad in middle and another one towards the end of the video was kind of annoying

Omni-Man wins

Next is Magneto vs Tetsuo, I only know of Magneto soo......... Don't know who wins

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