Jonathan Joestar vs Tanjiro Death Battle

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Not gonna lie, I liked the episode but I do have one nitpick

I honestly loved the Jonathan Joestar's analysis. Made me chuckle a bit but the whole dick joke is a hit or miss depending on the person

I missed Tanjiro's analysis so I assume it was good

As for the fight, I liked it.

They had a reason for fighting. Nezuko being mistaken as a minion of Dio was kind of expected but does confuse me about the ending.

I do like the animations, especially for the breaths Tanjiro used and the fire sword, though not much happened. Most of the best parts are the banter between Jonathan and Tanjiro. Tanjiro finding Jonathan adorable/cute was alright I guess

Jonathan using a whole fucking tree was cool too, the whole lungs thing to avoid death was unique I guess

I like the death but kind of don't.

Tanjiro loses, tells Jonathan to protect his sister Nezuko. Jonathan swears to while Tanjiro dies, then Jonathan offers Nezuko his hand, cuts to black. Leaning towards Nezuko taking his hand. Is this in character here? Nezuko trusting the man that killed her brother that quickly seems strange.

Jonathan Joestar wins

Next is Vegeta vs Thor. Kind of expected but I kind of feel, meh.

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