Magneto vs Tetsuo Death Battle

151 4 11

Before I begin, this was out late due to my phone and internet having issues

First off, I liked the rundowns. Especially Tetsuo's. I did chuckle at the, you think this is bad, the manga shows it worse bit about the glob like form

As for Magneto and his rundown

I liked how it went over a lot of stuff though I feel like there could have been more coverage a bit

As for the fight, I liked it though I must every fight this season kind feels like they are just there. Nothing really stand out so far

I didn't like how close up the camera on the sprites was, seemed really zoomed in for some portions

I did think the 3a-D background worked this time

I do like how they use their abilities to throw shit around but seemed to just get repetitive a bit

I do love the that Magneto shrugged of Tetsuo's attempt to attack his mind but still had trouble doing so

Turning Tetsuo's blood into circular saw blades to lead up to the fake out was creative

The big bang like "explosion" being caught and controlled by Magneto to throw back at Tetsuo which lead to the killing blow was cool, beam to Tetsuo's which left a hole

Magneto wins, reasoning was believable

Next is Hercules vs Sun Wukong(not RWBY).

Interesting that are using mythology instead of pop culture/video game characters for the next fight

Unless I am just stupid and there is anime for both Hercules and Sun Wukong I don't know about lol

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