Ch.21 "Letting go"

Start from the beginning

The moon shines through the window bars of my cell onto me, I'm curled up my tail covering my face except my eyes, I've pretty much let go of my emotions I don't care if I live or die at this point, my eyes slowly flutter shut,

I wake up the next day to the scientist walking in giving me food and water,

"Tonights the big night so you're gonna need you're strength, tonight we will find out who is more inferior Tiger or Wolf," He said with a smirk with that he left,

I have a plan for this tonight I'm gonna let my beast loose even if she destroys everything and everyone in her path, I thought

Bucky POV

we all arrive at the sight of the fight, were in disguise, we see a lot of people we hear the announcer,

"Come in come in place you're bids, who do you think will win, the muscle of the Tiger, or the quick and cunning Wolf," He said

"These people make me sick," I said

"Shhh, Buck I know you're worried about her, we all are but we can't blow our cover," Steve said

I nodded,

I ring for this was a huge circle in the dirt, do they really think that they can't jump that I thought,

"Okay bids are in gather around, gather around folks the show is about to begin," The announcer said

"Weighing in at 500lbs and 12 feet long, is experiment 345," The announcer said

The Tiger walks in the ring slowly roaring loud, everyone cheers and claps,

"That thing will kill her!" I whisper yelled,

"Bucky Calm down were gonna get her out of here," Tony said

"Now weighing in at 85lbs and 6 Feet long experiment 0!" The announcer said

we see Taylor walk in tall and proud, some kind of collar is around her neck, the fight was outside nothing for miles, She looks up at the moon, she only does that when she's about do something desperate,

"This isn't gonna be good," I said

Taylor POV

I walk in the ring, I look up at the moon, closing my eyes,

"Beast I give you full control," I said in my mind,

"Finally!" The beast said

Beast POV

I see the opponent before me a massive Tiger, Strength isn't everything I'm gonna take out this animal, then I'm gonna get us out of this hell, taking out the pathetic humans who wager money who is gonna win and who is going to die,

i'm gonna make them regret it

the bell rings the Tiger growls at me,

I growl at the Tiger and we lung at each other,

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I growl at the Tiger and we lung at each other,

I growl at the Tiger and we lung at each other,

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