Noticeable solace sought the men, and they wished to stay by your side further... However they couldn't reside in the room because you needed to be taken care of, so they were politely asked to return to the dorms.

Midoriya took his phone from his pocket, glancing up to Bakugou who walked ahead of him. "It's really late.. I hope everyone's sleeping soundly." He murmured, expecting something from Bakugou. There was nothing but a chilling silence from him, until they got inside. "Stop talking already."

As always, they proceeded to go their separate ways, heading to their bedrooms. And by the time Bakugou reached his, he looked stressed. Uraraka could only question what happened. A muffled groan came through, and when the male glanced towards her he widened his eyes. An intense shiver brushed him from a more than perfect thought which came to mind. Instead of catering to Uraraka's needs, he grabbed her phone on his desk, grinning ear to ear.

'[Y/N]'s going to feel proud.'

It looked like he pressed send on a certain message, and then tossed her phone against his bed. "I'm finally going to put you into use." He calmly said, gripping underneath her shoulder to lift her up. "Hurry up. If you can't stand, then I'll just have to drag you." Which, he didn't mind doing.

The girl gasped as she was brought to her feet, terrified to know his motives.  And as she could barely walk with the restraints around her legs, they made their way to the door, and she noticed that he moved black objects into his pocket.

The walk was silent, for he tried to make as less noise as he could. But finally, upon reaching the common area he tossed Uraraka onto the couch, leaving her motionless. Bakugou leaned down, bringing his lips close to her ear in eager huffs. "If you stay quiet and do nothing, then he will be the only one getting hurt."

Just then, there was a noise coming from the opposite end of the hallway, leading Bakugou to leave the area, far from her range of view. Her eyes wide and bones trembling, she immediately worked at her wrists, moving them to hopefully slip from the tape restraining her. She listened to steps getting near from behind her, frightening her to the point she thought she'd die. What was going on?? Did Bakugou plan this??

Her body jolted harshly due to the pressure of a hand resting against the spine of the couch. The figure peered over, coming to recognize the female with confused eyes.


Her brown eyes, inflicted with euphoria, danced in hopeful gleams, glad to see his face after what felt like ages. His green eyes were full of worry, sweat slid down his freckled cheeks, and his body eventually circumvented around the couch to stand in front of her timidly. "What's going on? Why are you tied up? No way-- I thought you were the one who texted me to come out here.."

Suddenly, Uraraka began to vigorously shake her head, screaming the perpetrator's name behind the duct tape. Engulfed in curiosity, worked his way to remove the tape overlapping her lips, and as soon as he'd done so, her brown eyes seeped with her tears, and an exasperated gasp left her. "B.. Bakugou!! B-Bakugou!"

Midoriya perked up, the tension finally sinking in on him. "Kacchan.. Did this?" His reaction was heavily discouraged, mouth hanging low as his brows dug deep. Uraraka, on the other hand, continued to shake her head.

"Bakugou's behind you!"

Jumping up, the male made a quick turn to look behind him, however before he could evaluate his next moves his movements stiffened, especially while experiencing Bakugou's glowing red eyes, obscured expression due to the dark shade, and bulky red object in his black gloved hands.

Uncontrollable Hatred. [Yandere! Katsuki Bakugou X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now