"It's a bit pricey." Marcus grimaces.

That has no bearings at the moment.

"What were the crafter's intentions when he made the piece?" I ask interested in the history.

"He made this ring with his boyfriend in mind. He turned the platinum by hand. Hours he worked to make the band comfortable and fitted." Marcus speaks in a far away tone.

"What happened?" I question.

I notice there are no other customers. I don't feel bad for monopolizing the sales man.

"As he hand picked each diamond he thought of the love the two men shared. He wiped away tears as each stone was pressed into the precious metal. He worked tirelessly with the intention of betrothing his beloved." Marcus takes a deep breath. A tear slips from his eye and I can not help but rub his shoulder as he feels the waves of emotions that the story brought forth.

"Why doesn't the man have the ring?" I ask confused.

"The night the ring was finally complete, the jeweler ran home. He was excited to kneel before the love of his life and ask his hand in marriage. The door was cracked open as he approached. His heart clenched in his chest when he heard moans escaping the walls." Marcus shutters as he gets to the torrid details.

I gasp. My heart pounding against my chest. I find my hand clutching his shoulder as the other covers my heart. I am willing my heart to quiet down.

"I walked into our home and was met with the eyes of someone I knew well. Too well. My brother was underneath my lover. His eyes held malice as he jerked forward with the force of my love's thrusts. Jay was so busy throttling my blood kin, he didn't notice my heart shattering in that very moment." Marcus whispers the rest of the story.

My heart explodes in pins and needles. I had never felt so devastated. The ring was made by Marcus. I pull the stranger, who I felt had given me a part of his soul, into my arms. I hold him tightly as he cries into my chest. My hands thread thru his hair. I could not feel anything less than pity. The man had lost his soul mate and brother in the same night.

Once his sniffling tapered off, I pulled him away and stares into his grey eyes.

"Are you sure you want to sell this?" I question the heart broken Marcus.

"It's time. I have to quit showcasing the pain it brought me. The ring was made with love. It needs a forever home on a finger that is more deserving than the intended owner. I'm hoping by finally separating with it, I can move on." Marcus nods as he agrees with his consensus.

"I will take it." I promise.

"First, you must tell me about the man who will wear it." Marcus urges.

We walk to the center of the jewelry store. I accept a cup of coffee that Marcus has delivered.

"Elik is the love of my life. I met him the night I lost my parents. He was a stranger and stayed with me everyday since. He thought nothing of uprooting his life for a high school graduate who had his whole life destroyed with a phone call. Elik held me that night. He carried me, physically carried me, to my father's hospital bed to say my final goodbye. Elik is one of a kind." I start.

"Tell me more. Surely, he has even more impressive qualities." Marcus encourages.

"He has the biggest heart. He looks at me with his blue eyes and I swear, I see an angel. Elik has no regard for himself when it comes to friends, family, strangers and especially me. He is forgiving, courageous, loving and absolutely perfect." I beam as I sing my love's praises.

"You sound smitten." Marcus smiles genuinely at me.

"I'm head over heels. I'm so deep with him. I truly can't see our beginning or end. We are entangled, intertwined and one. It has always felt like he was just made for me." I wipe a tear as the confession forces moisture out of my orbs.

"Are you certain you will not end up in another's arms?" Marcus inquires. He seems almost ashamed for having asked. I don't mind. I know the answer.

"I'm positive. I have had plenty pursue me. No one will or has caught my attention. Sometimes, you just know. Elik makes me feel whole. I only hope I do the same for him. He has been my rock. His parents have stepped in and treated me as their own. I am blessed. The others who have tried to steal my attention, they are fruitless. They always will be. You can't help the actions of others. But, it's how you reciprocate that matters. I can't possibly love another." I continue.

"Why is that?" Marcus cocks a brow at me. The smile playing on his lips giving me an inclination that he knows I'm telling the truth.

"Simple." I breathe out. "If I forsake my love, I would be hurting myself. I'm not a masochist. I can't love without the second beat to my heart. Sure, my heart would still pound, but it would never be to the same rhythm. My song plays in sync with Elik. I can't destroy that. I won't." I shake my head in disgust at the thought of ripping Elik's heartbeat from my melody.

"$11,000. That's the cost of the materials." Marcus stands and unlocks the case.

"I can't." I disagree whole heartedly.

"Why?" He asks incredulously.

"I want to pay the fair value." I shake my head.

"It's priceless. It was made for your Elik. I just feel it. Please let me honor you with this gift." Marcus pleads.

I shake my head but, my resolve breaks when he places the ring in my hand. I stare at it. The place the cold metal touches my skin, warms.

I smile. It's gorgeous and perfect.

"$15,999. I will accept." I finagle.

"Sure." Marcus nods and takes the ring from my hand. I give him my bank card and he wraps the ring up. He hands me the wrapped box.

"Hold tight to Elik. He sounds splendid." Marcus winks.

I thank him profusely. I walk away with my heart full and my hand clutching the tiny box. I slip it into my pocket and walk out of the mall to my car.

Once in the car, I immediately drive to Uncle Ian's office. I show him the ring and ask to have it insured.

The price he recommends makes me visibly wobble.

"Where did you get that?" Uncle Ian asks.

I tell him the story of the sad jewelry craftsman. He nods his head in understanding.

"He lied about one thing." Uncle Ian insists.

I squint my eyes at my uncle.

"The price." Uncle Ian confirms.

"These are hand carved diamonds. I have seen them only one other time. There is another ring by the same crafter. Those two rings are the only in existence to have the diamonds from India cut from the same mines as the Koh-I-Noor. Rumor states that there is a larger stone to which the diamonds were cut from. However, no one has found proof of that claim. Deklyn this ring is worth a half million dollars." Ian informs me.

After speaking with Uncle Ian we insure for a cool million. I don't care about any money. The ring is priceless because Marcus found my Elik worthy to wear it. One day he shall. Today is not that day. But, soon.

I drive home and lock the ring away in my secret floor vault. I would not want Elik coming across the ring before I wish for it to be revealed.

I lay down on the bed and close my eyes. I think of the words that both Marcus and I spilled today. I feel even more lucky. I have no fear that I will ever walk in on a heart wrenching scene as Marcus had. Elik loves me and I love him.

Jamie be damned. Nothing will ever come between Elik and me. We were made to fill each other's souls. I have no doubt. My breathing regulates and softly I pull into the land of naps. My heart is full and my mind is swimming with ideas.

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