A sky without the moon & stars

Start from the beginning

"There's another article related to this do you guys want to read it?" James asked in a soft voice indicating even he was terrified.


He clicked on the next article, as soon as he did that the screen froze and all of a sudden went off. All three of us just stared at the screen and when we felt the laptop died it suddenly came back on. I screamed (it was scary, okay). The screen was loading and continued to load for ten minutes.

No one spoke to each other we all were lost in our thoughts. I'm assuming everyone was thinking about the sad lives of the past owners and how in a year we would be ashes, well Anisha wouldn't be thinking about the last part because she can escape. James and I might be dead.

"Guys" Anisha said, breaking a twenty minute silence "I have my dance class so I need to go"

"Ok, anyways I don't think this link is going to open. But if it does I'll text you." I said


"No, thank you for helping me Anisha. You're a great friend." I said

"Anytime girl." She said leaving the house.

"Should I shut the laptop and try again later?" James asked me as Anisha left.

"Sure" I said

I knew that both of us loved stuff like this but not when it's happening to us. But one good thing was now I knew what SKP stood for (not exactly good but it satisfied my distracted mind).

I went up the stairs to study in my room and as I opened the window I saw the same green light moving towards me, hiding behind the clouds and dissolving it while it moved forward.

But this time the light was weird, as it came extremely close to my house I could hear the sound of the liquid dripping and then the sound of something burning. I looked closely and saw a red liquid dripping from the cloud and as it touched the ground it was burnt.

Somehow but I don't know how I could feel this pain, it just rushed through my body hurting every cell present in me. When I looked even closer I realized that I shouldn't have done that. The dripping liquid was blood, burning as it reached the ground.

I screamed on the top of my voice but it felt like no one could hear me. I shut my eyes praying that this gruesome scene would just disappear. Surprisingly my prayers worked because the blood and the green light was gone completely and I saw my normal blue sky slowly turning in to a darker shade of blue for the night.

Then I remembered, if this happened to me it must have happened to James too.

I rushed down the stairs and saw James sitting on the dining table gulping a glass of water. His face was pale and sweaty and his hands were trembling with fear as he placed the glass on the table.

I rushed towards him and hugged him lovingly just like an elder sister. He hugged me back, which rarely happened so I was happy about it.

"You saw it too, huh?" I asked him.

"That's very freaky." He managed to say

"I know" I said.

"What should we do now?" he asked

"Well I guess we could finish our homework, have an early dinner so that we could sleep on time." I said, literally not believing anything I had just said.

Somehow he seemed to agree to what I had said and slowly climbed up the stairs to do his homework.

I didn't sleep very well last night, the fear of dying in a year or two scared me. The lack of sleep made the skin below my eyes appear black as if I was beaten up and my eyes were red from all the crying. I literally drank three cups of coffee to activate my brain.

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