Ch. 5 - Taichi Fight

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Next day after the breakfast and a little warm up fight with Chiaki, Kaname showed me the way to the restaurant. Unlike yesterday, i find this place much fast - mostly because its so flashy it cannot be missed. I knocked on the door and one girl with a really revealing dress opened for me. She had purple hair and a little bit tired expression.

- Sorry, we still not open. Please come back later.

- Oh, im not a guest. A want to apply for the waitress job. - not take longer than a second and she pulled me inside of the building. After i see a middle-aged man with bald head (but still had long hair on sideways) and 3 other peoples whom around the same age as me. 2 boys and 1 girl. The one who still hold my upper hand waved to the man happily.

- Uncle Hakubi! I find a replacement! - The old man laugh.

- She find you, not you her. Please have a seat, and sorry for my irresponsible niece.

- No worries :3 - I bowed - Nice to meet you, everyone. My name is Malai Wongsavat. Currently i live in a Kugatachi Household.

- Nice to meet you. - Said by the guys in chorus.

- Danki's every friend is mine too. - Habuki-san nodded and waved the white haired boy to bring some tea here. Somehow i feel him a little bit nervous.

- Everything alright?

- Yea-yes. Enjoy. - He shuttered.

- Thank you, erm..

- Kaku Shin Ten. - He bowed with his head.-

 - Why you became so regulated right now? - Hakubi-san asked from the boy, and his face just got red and scampered away.- What a strange boy. Normally he big mouthed and noisy. So...

- Ah, one question: Ma Kensei is not here right now? Right? - The purple haired-girl just facepalmed and hit the table.

- He peeked you?

- Yea...At least he tried...but Danki-sensei chased him away.

- He is a pervert for a life, but harmless. Don't worry about him.

- Oh, Okay. - "that doesn't sounds safe at all!!"

 - So, you worked before as a waitress?

- Hmm...not exactly. Mostly i worked as a bodyguard along with master. But i want to try this also. :3

- I see you're kind and helpful, but i want to see your endurance and how handle a "bad -tempered" customer.

 - Oookay...fine.

- Kaku Shin Ten.

- Yes?

- Fight with her.

- What?

- If you have a sudden crush on her - His face became more red - then try to crush her. (sorry, i needed that pun :3)

- What? I am not...

- It surely needed, Habuki-sensei?

- I feel you're strong Malai-chan - he nodded - but i want to see how you handle a serious fight. So, please.- He raised up his right hand. Shin just mumbled sorry beneath his nose and took a fighting position. I make a greeting position for and start to focus on on him.

- Fight! - Habuki-san shouted and Kaku Shin start to kick my hands with a full force. I tried to counter him at first but he is a sly one and always managed to escape from my grasp. Luckily my raw strength was bigger than his so he also couldn't manage to harm me.

- That's an interesting martial art! - I told him - what the name of it?

- Taijiquan - said the old man from sideways - and he fight with full force so please Malai-san, do the same. - Shin stopped for a moment. His eyes reflected some anger and embarrassment.

 - Please don't hold back. Habuki-san is serious.

- But i don't wanna hurt you because of a job. - Told him and i manage to catch his right hand between my knee - i'm not underestimate you, just don't want to injure you for nothing.

- Okay, that's enough.- Habuki clapped with his hands - You're hired Malai-san. You passed the test.

 - what? :3

- Sorry for this - Renka tried to hit her uncle's head - sometimes he also weird, but now he fully trust you.

- But im seriously not hold back at all. - Shin smiled and his other companions are laughed and poked his face. They tell him how a girl almost beat his ass, but he seem doesn't really care. Hakubi-san raised his hand again with my tea cup.

- Your shift starting at tomorrow night. I hope it is okay.

- Not a problem! - I bowed, and he pointed to Renka.

- She'll guide you around and show your dress.

- Nyah :3 Leave it to me uncle Habuki.

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