Ch.3 - Date with the enemy (?)

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- HEEEEEE???!!

- So??~

- I-i sorry. But think i'll pass. - I bowed to him, and he make a sad face.

- Why? I know, We're on different side in this world, but...- He became more dramatic. Kaname just facepalmed.

- Not. I mean not exactly for this. - tried to explain to him - Aaaaaand not know you at all.

- That why i want you to go out with me! Get to know each other more~

- Get away from my household, youngsters! - We heard Danki-sensei shout from the main entrance. - Dont ruin my disciples in the front of the dojo. - Sho just sighed and try to reach my face with his lips, but he finally touched his forehead to mine.

- See ya later. - and he left with the other. Kokin turned back and eyes with me for a short time, but i cannot able to read from his face. What he want? After they disappeared, i run to Kaname and a guy named Ukita. He got beat pretty rough.

- Hold it. How the others? - The girl get themselves.

- We'll be fine. But Ukita-san got the most.

- I see. - I helped Kaname to escort Ukita to his room, where the Danki-sensei and the big fella from earlier start to treat his wounds.

- Thanks for the help. - Kaname-san muttered, i just let a weak smile. - You don't need to thank to me. Im not did so much.

- Not much?! - The other girls waved - You punched the Castor b*tch right in the face and hold back against the Lion King.

- Castor? Lion King? - I let a chibi face. - What that names are?

- That's the nicknames for the yomi disciples. The blond girl Rachel is Castor, her brother Ethan are Pollux, and Kokin Shishiohsin* (god lion king).

- And the silver one? Sho as i remember.

- The one who asked you on a date? - Danki sensei asked, i just nodded.

- His nickname is Suparna.. And he one the leading forces among them. WAIT! HE ASKED YOU ON A DATE?! - Chiaki freaked out, i just eat another daifuku.

- Yeah, but i said i dont wanna go.

- Are you not afraid of him?

- No. He not evil,

- Lonely? - Danki-san chimed.

-Bingo. On the other hand...That guy...Kokin...i dont what i think about him.

- He is a ruthless son of a...- Started by Ukita, But Kaname hit his stomach to shut it.

- What your opinion about him?

- He is...interesting. Im not seen a muay thai fighter like him before.

- Hm? - Danki sensei raised his head - He is too cold?

- ...Yes. Cold. Tactical. Not like neither my master or his. (insert this (T^T) face here)

- You like him already? - the old master asked as he munched the last sweet pasta. My face became red.

- What?No! How on earth?! Im not even know him. And what i see he not a good guy.

- ...I see... Give me another daifuku!! - He chimed childishly and grabbed the plate.

- You eat them already grandpa? - Kaname reprimanded - I just bought them yesterday.

- Im starving!!

- Huh...Fine. Reo, Yoko, Hibiki. Please go to Gekirin and get some.

- Dont need to say twice! - The three girls just bowed and even with their bandages covered bodies they start to run out from the house.

- And after i finish Ukita, i'll show your room, Malai-san.

- Thank you.

Later, Yomi place

- That little sh*t! How she dare ruin my shining?! - The Lucha Libre girl hit one the poles vehemently and her brother tried to calm her down.

- We didn't know they have muay thai user.

- She just arrived today.- a silver haired guy in military uniform stepped towards Sho. - My informant seen her at the main entrance around noon.

- Nice timing as ever, Boris. And her master?

- He is not yet here. He probably give her under Kugatachi -sama protection until he arrives.

- And she need his protection. - Kokin just moved a chess piece on the nearby table. The little girl, whom he played look uninterested. - She strong, but too much caring. Overprotective. That habit makes her easily to target.

- I just wanna date with her~ - Sho chirped, which make Kokin slightly irritated.

- Malai-san turned you down. Forget about her.

- Oh - he let a sly smile - if i not know you i think you're jealous.

- ...Only in your dreams.

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