ch.4 - Find a job

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 After Kaname patched up Ukita, she showed me the room when i spend my, probably half a year.

- It's pretty spacious. Are you sure about this?

- All rooms have a same size - she chuckled - the dinner ready between 1 hour. If you wanna take a bath before it, just across the garden, and the second door from the left is the bathroom.

- Thank you so much, Kaname-san.

- You're welcome. See you later.

- See ya. - After she left, i start to organise my package. I don't have much clothes, bruh, need some new stuff. But at least my precious Marshmallow* (a plush seal pup) also right for me. After a successful managing everything, i thought the way to the bath.

Waahhhh, its fee so good~ This hot water~ i feel even my bones. I really needed that. I CANT BELIEVE THIS! I run into enemies right my first day in Harachi! UWAHHHH! And even got brother Agaard's disciple against me T^T. But...they're interesting bunch nevertheless. The big one also a Dou fighter, but silent and composed. Kokin also. How? How they can be so good to control their emotions~

- That's the question of the day, sweetheart~ - i heard a voice of a man from the rock behind me. But when i turned around, im not see anybody. Just feel a faint remain of a presence of a...

- Master?

- I am. But not yours of course. - The man stand up the rock - Name of Ma Kensei. Master of all Chinese Kenpo. Nice to see youuu~ and then he try to catch my...girls...but a good hit to his face showed him to the other side of the pool.

- Stop harassing my guest, sick pervert! - Dank-sensei shout to him, i just hiding in the water.

- Pl-Please...go out...- I muttered totally embarrassed of the situation, but finally Danki-sensei managed to chased off Ma, and he also left the bath.

Why happening to me?!

Later, dinner time

- Let eat! - Kaname-san's make a pretty big dinner. Sushi, onigiri and some other nice dishes. Finally i got a little time to get the others know better. They're a really funny bunch. The groups of girls know as Valkyries are turn out to be different weapon users and disciples under Danki-sensei teaching. Chikai a sumo wrestler and Ukita's a judoka. Kaname told me about the other like a Taekwondo girl named Kisara, and - of course- her boyfriend Ikki, whom learn box from none other than the famous James Shiba.

- Awww, i want to meet them! But first (and thanks for the meal), i need to find a workplace.

Why? - Ukita asked and one the girls elbowed him.

- Even its a Kugatachi household and i was welcomed here, i not a freeloader. I want to pay also for the bills and the others stuff.

- Sound good to me. At least of the members - Ukita and Chiaki start to sweat nervously - want to PAY for staying here.

- But where i find a job?

- You can be a builder! - Chikai said - you're pretty strong.

- Stay silent, dumbass! - Chisato reprimanded him - waitress job is okay for you? - Hibiki cut off his sentence - We're at Hakubi's Chinese restaurant and they hire.

- Sound good to me until i don't need get dressed...inappropriate.

- Dont need to worry. Habuki-dono not like his nephew Kensei Ma.

- Thank God.

Later that night, i feel really tired and dizzy. Just lay down on the, embraced Marshmallow and think about what happened today. Even some bad people around, this is a good place for me. But i miss master so much. And i want to see brother Agaard also. But his disciple...Gah..Why im thinking about him?

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