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Author's Note:

Excuse my profanities but... Merlin's Beard! Holy Heck! Bloody Hell! AND THE FUKING W0T?! But we hit 1k reads! i— um— how— I'm just a quarantined girl livin in a Corona world...

Thank you so much!! Lowkey crying happy tears!! Honest thanks! Wouldn't be here without you guys!

Anyways, back to the story!

Draco's POV

The day finally came for me and Harry to have our 'date'. But he wouldn't know that; he just thinks it. Around midday, me, Harry's and the rest of the Third to Eighth years visiting sees the village got ticked of by Filch and then set off. Harry and I walked all the way to the fork in the road just before Hogsmeade.

"So, where is he?"Harry asked turning to me.

"He's gonna meet me there," I part-lied.

"Where exactly?" he pressed on.

"Look, if I tell you you'll use your invisibility cloak to stalk me," I replied. No doubt he was gonna try.


"Ron and Hermione probably miss you," I said having read his thoughts. "Just do it." He huffed in defeat.

"Okay," he said, "see ya then."

"Bye." And then he walked our different ways. I went to find a seat in the Three Broomsticks to relax and do homework in for 2 hours. And so the waiting begins.

***Harry's POV***

I went to go explore all the building in Hogsmeade (except for the Three Broomsticks) in search of Ron and Hermione. It was not until I reached Honeydukes that I found them. And lucky enough for me they'd already started the conversation.

"... you expect me to have chosen one!" exclaimed Ron.

"Mhm. Now, speaking of the Chosen One when are we gonna apologise to Harry?" asked Hermione.

"What do you mean? He should apologize to us! he was being a git!" Ron exclaimed. He's not wrong.

"Ronald!" Mione replied, "Don't say that; he was upset!"

"Upset at what?" Ron said exasperated, "Us being good friends? G-I-T."


"Yeah Mione, I agree with Ron," I said walking through the crowd, up to them. They turned instantly at the sound of my voice.

"Harry?!" They yelled in yelled in unison.


"Harry we're so sorry about — all of this!" Hermione apologized, "We know you loose your temper." Ron and Hermione both shot eachother dirty looked while I laughed lightly.

"No, I'm sorry. I was being a prat...But it was because I was — thinking." I explained.

Ron smiled at the fact that I admitted I was being prattish then asked, " 'Bout what?" I bit my lip and looked around at the busy shop.

"Not here," I whispered, "Let's go for a walk." Me,Ron and Hermione exited Honeyduke's and began to walk through the cold misty air. I lead them past the damp grounds of the small town toward the Shrieking Shack.We stopped by the weak splintered steps.

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