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A/N I was going to post this last Tuesday but I had a panic attack in the school bathroom and forgot XD. But it is here now, sorry it's short.

The Avengers are trying to get Spider-Mans identity. Peter is then caught up with a fight against them when may calls.... and what happens after....

(Peters pov)

I was sitting alone on the edge of a tall building, taking a break after stopping 5 muggers and robberies, and getting people out of a fire. Uhhh today has been tough, especially 'cause of the hello hole of a school.

Watching the view of New York is very calming, I tune out everything around me and listen to the city, looking down at the lights making the city glow and watching the people of NY walking around. It's all just relaxing. But when I feel my Spidey sense tingle, I jump up ready and look around. My senses tell me it's the avengers, making me groan. 'Why can't they leave me alone for one night'

Turning around I face Ironman and Captain America, "Sup tin-can and Icicle, can we not fight tonight since I have to get somewhere in like 15 minutes?" I ask, knowing Aunt May was going to get home early. "You know we can't do that, Spider-Man" Captain America says with a disappointed look. "Finne.... but tell Hawkeye and black widow to stop there little "hiding" then" I point them out going to a fighting stance. Ohhh, I love seeing their shocked faces.

Soon mr Rodgers launches himself at me throwing his shield, which I proudly catch throwing it back and webbing him to the a wall after hitting him. Then Mr Barton shots arrows at me, easily diving them I web him next to Cap.

While I'm now fighting Mr Stark, Karen starts talking to me, "Peter, you are getting a call from your aunt" I dodge Ironman's shots "No Karen, don't answer" I dodge him again, while the others are giving me a confused look as they think I'm talking to myself.

"Mr Parker, I really think you should answer this" she reply's in a concerning yet stern voice. "FINE, ANSWER CALL" I shout making the avengers look shocked as they stop, expect Mr Stark.

"Pe-Peter?" A tired, very scared May says, this stops me in my tracks getting shot from Mr Stark only for me to stand back up. "May! Are you okay" I worriedly ask.
"Pe-Pete, I-I.. I'm not go-going to make i-it" she stutters out, making me start to cry. "M-May?" I start to pace, Ignoring the now staring avengers.

"I-I love y-you, P-Peter" the line goes silent making me go more into a panic attack. "M-May, I lo-ove you too, just stay with m-me" getting no reply I start sobbing. "MAY" I shout, causing the avengers to get into a fighting stance.

"Karen, can you show me where May is" I ask getting a 'yes sir' I put my wrist out so the web shooters can show me. A hologram shows up, when I see May, on the street with a bullet in her chest. The people with me stare in horror wondering who she is, when they see me fall onto my knees.

"M-May, n-no" I whisper-shout, Violently sobbing trying to breathe but can't. "What do we do" Clint asks the team, them shrugging in response, when I start to stand, wobbling. I look at them of a minute before going to the edge of the roof.

~~no-one'a pov~~

"Hey Spider-Man we cant let you go, so what are you doing" Mr Stark says taking a step forward to Peter. Peter turns his head and faces him, he slowly steps backwards. "I-I'm sorry, go-goodbye" he then jumps off falling to the ground.

However, as soon as he jumps Mr Stark jumps and flys down catching the young Spiderling. Flying back to the tower, Mr Stark can only wonder who or what he has been tho.

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