The rouge avengers

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A/N the classic peter meet the rouge avengers and I honestly try to write also I will be posting the introduction to my new nook soon. Enjoy x

Peter is staying with Tony as he sent may on a year long trip around the world. The rouges don't know peter or that he's Spider-Man. Peter is shy and has very bad anxiety about meeting people, after what happened with Toomes.

Warning: some swear words (sorry cap) also Steve is a bit of a jerk.  (Also bad writing)

(no-ones pov)

It's been a really hard for Peter. For one, he was shot last night leading him to be in pain the next day. He had a surprise maths test (but mostly likely got 100%) and flash was in a bad mood. This lead to peter getting covered in bruises and a cut lip. But, he was still happy to be working in the lab and that today's movie night made it better, of course after he hides the cut lip then he'd be fine.

As peter arrive at the common floor of the tower, he was listening to ver loud music. Walking to the kitchen he didn't notice the multiple stares that were on him.

After putting his bag on the stool and taking his headphones off he went to get a apple. "Mr Stark! I'm back!!" The brunette boy shouted to his totally not-father.

"Alright Pete!! I'll be up in a minute, get the snacks!" Tony yelled back up, while the rogue avengers looked ever confused. Peter started making the snacks and bringing a big pile of blankets to the couch, still not noticing the people in the room and Natasha holding a knife just in case the small cinnamon roll attacks.

(Peter pov)

Peter comes back to the room with a big tray of food. After setting everything up the boy looks up to see the ex-avengers glaring at him. "O-oh I d-didn't know Mr Stark had g-guesse-ess, I-I'll goo if you w-want" I stuttered out, slight cursing myself for doing so.

"Who are you, son?" Captain America asks in a stern voice, staring at the boy. "Yeah, and how did you get in without F.R.I.D.A.Y setting off a alarm?" Another one ask, everyone glaring at him, making Peter very uncomfortable. "O-Oh, I-I have acc-access to this fl-floor, and I'm P-Peter" I said with a smile smile one my face.

Suddenly, Tiny walks in with the biggest smile as he can wait to see his totally-not-son, Peter. "Hello Pete, did you set everything up and I'm picking the movie." He says, not seeing the rogues in the room. "WHAT! But it's my turn to pick! Pete whines, forgetting the others. "No, I get to pick after what happened yesterday" I huff folding my arms "oh please, that was the first it happened at least 2 weeks, and when was the last time you actually pick a good movie, besides it's Disney tonight, not Star Wars" I say with sass in my voice, the others were just look confused on how Tony wasn't angry with me.

"O-oh Mr Stark, there are s-some p-p-people here" I point to the avengers when I remembered there still here. I think Tony spotted my nervousness and shyness and he gave me a reassuring smile, knowing I don't do good with new people.

"Stark" Captain America said to Tony. "Rogers" He said back in a cold, stern and yet calm voice. "Who's the kid" Mr Rogers pointed to me, slightly making me jump, walking over to Mr Stark I hide behind him, as I try to calm and steady my breathing.

"His name is peter, he's m-" Tony was cut off by Steve, "I think the kid can speak for himself" he said sternly, causing me to grip Da-Tony's shirt tighter to signal that I can't. "Rogers I don-" "no he should talk" god... 'he won't just give up will he' I think to myself.

Slowly I walk besides Mr Stark, and letting go as everyone is eyeballing me. "I-I'm Pe-Peter, I'm-m Mr St-Starks personal in-intern" I stuttered out, receiving a disappointed look from Mr Rogers. "And is that all, come on son, do it again without the added on 'stuttering' you did" Mr Starks stares in shock at him while I was ready to have a panic attack, I start again only to stutter very badly "M-M-my n-name i-i-is p-pe-peter a-"I was cut off "No, try again" Steve's says kind of angrily.

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