The Beginning of The End

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I hear the sound of my mom crying! "Mom?" I yell with no response I run into my parents dark room! I hear my dad screaming at my mom. "Stupid old woman you never listen to a thing I tell you little bitch! Always trying to take my things!" As I peek around the corner to see them in the deck my dad raises his arm and slaps my mom. Her shaking body moves with the force of the hit. Soon losing her balance and she falls over the railing, I go to scream but cover my mouth as I know my dad would do the same to me if he knew what I saw. My father has just murdered my mother.

As watch as they roll my mother away in the body bag I cry as they ask me millions of questions but I just ignore them knowing dad is watching every move and listening to ever sound from the distance. "Please Ariana answer me! Did you see anything?" I nodded 'no' as I saw the Canadian troop frown. He padded my shoulder "I'm so sorry Ariana" then he walked away.

The next day was just as horrible watching as my dad shakes hands with people at the funeral being so innocent.  People try to consult me and make me feel better but just the thought of them doing the same to my murderer of a father made me sick. As I walk to the front of the church to say my last words to my mother I feel the burning eyes of my father as I begin to speak "My mom Elizabeth was honestly a true inspiration to me. She taught me even through bad times in life we always need to see the brighter things of life. And I just wanna tell her I love her one last time and tell her I will be like her I will laugh during pain, I will smile during tough times, and I will love with all of my heart. Thank you." I smiled a simple smile as warm tears run down my cheeks.

As I sit in my room a week before Thanksgiving I think of my mom and all her good cooking, the smile she always had, and how crazy she got over them black friday sales I giggle and then the asshole walked in like he own the place. "Ariana pack your things we're moving to a small town in California!" "Why are we-" "Pack your things now!" "Tell me why first and I might!" I yelled standing up to face him staring into his blood shot eyes. "Because I met someone on the internet and we're moving in with her! Now pack your things or go with nothing but the clothes on your back!" He said leaning closer to where I could smell the alcohol in his breath. I sighed and started to pack "Cali here I come" I said with absolutely no excitement.

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