Doctors That DO

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Mike and I had two different kinds of shifts today.

Mike had ICU, while I had consultations. Mike kissed my cheek in front of everyone before going up to the ICU.

The nurses at the nurse's station looked at me with a smirk and I downplayed it.

One nurse in particular, Nurse Lahmers followed me straight to my office.

"Dr. Lance, I see a lot has happened." She said to me while rubbing her chin.

I stayed silent and continued to set up everything I need for my consults. My stethoscope, my sphygmomanometer and needles and syringes for immunizations.

"You're not the nurse working with me today, can you just leave me alone please?" I asked politely.

"I just want to know, Lance. What's gonna happen when McDreamy goes? After all he's the sexiest doctor in the world and you, you're just a doctor, the only title you own is M.D. Dr. Mike is famous." Nurse Lahmers taunted.

"My title is D.O by the way, get out of my damn office." I said to her and pushed her out the door before inviting a mother who recently had a baby.

I put on my gloves and tested the baby's temperature and heart rate.

Everything was fine with the baby.

"Who was the doctor delivering this cute little bean?" I asked the mother.

"Dr. Varshavski? Did I get the pronunciation right?" The mother asked.

"Yeah that's how you say it."

"There was a nurse that was really rude and he shut her down in a really mature way. She was utterly disrespectful and for a second I felt like walking out of that room, but Dr. Varshavski he was kind."

"I left a review on the nurse and Dr. Varshavski too." The mother continued.

The nurse who was working with me for the day entered my office and got the vaccinations ready.

"Wait..." The mother said as the nurse was about to pick up the needle.

"Do vaccinations give a kid Autism?" She asked.

"Okay so, there are studies that have been done, tested and have proven results on this that it is a myth. Autism is a developmental disorder, we can test for it during pregnancy and after to see if your child has the genetic markers for it." I replied.

"Uh, Dr. Varshavski, he has a YouTube channel and on one of his videos he talked about vaccinations and other topics related to the subject." I added.

"They did a test on me when I was pregnant where they had this tube like thing to take out some of the amniotic fluid... That's what they said, is that it?"

"With the amniotic fluid that they withdrew from you they tested it in the lab to look for abnormalities in the baby. For you, they found none, so this cute button... What's her name?" I asked.


"Ariana is healthy. Now nurse Krohn will give her the necessary vaccines.

Katie Krohn, the nurse sat the baby upright on the gurney and gave the baby her shots.

Measles, influenza, Mumps, Rubella and other infectious diseases.

Mike then walked into my office.

"Can I ask you for a consult?" He asked.

"When I'm done here." I said after writing up all the shots that nurse Krohn gave to Ariana on the immunization card.

When we were finished, I handed the baby a small candy and gave the mother a hug.

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