Here We Go

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I woke up to Bear licking my face, then Mike, pulling the sheets off me.

"Good morning!" Mike said.

"You're awfully cheery." I said groggily.

Mike laughed at the sound of my voice and I covered my face with a pillow out of embarrassment.

"Ugh, I hate morning voices, what causes them?" I asked him.

" Well GERD commonly called heartburn-can cause hoarseness when stomach acid rises up the throat and irritates the tissues. Usually hoarseness caused by GERD is worse in the morning and improves throughout the day. In some people, the stomach acid rises all the way up to the throat and larynx and irritates the vocal fold. And that is why your voice is so... Croaky."

"I already knew that, Doc." I said.

"Okay, I gotta get Bear some food and food for us too."

"But you said you couldn't cook in one of your YouTube videos... Like, I ain't going to let you do that." I said to him.

"But I want to." Mike said and kissed my cheek, before running off to his kitchen.

I put a hand on my cheek then pulled the sheets over my head again.

"I know you aren't sleeping again." Mike said and poked his head through the door with a butter knife in his hand.

I got out of his bed and walked out to the kitchen. Mike was making a fruit salad.

"You look great in my clothes." Mike commented while throwing a strawberry into his mouth.

"Oh... Well, they're snug, especially the shirt. You don't mind if I take these B-ball shorts off do you?"

Mike's eyes popped when I asked that question, until I took the shorts off right in front of him.

"What? They're falling off me anyway." I said.

"Come here." Mike said and I did.

He pulled me into his arms and whispered into my ear.

"How about we stay happy and healthy by keeping things a little PG."

"And how about we just eat this fruit salad, drink some green tea and head on to work." I said with a smirk.

"Oh screw it!" Mike said and kissed me.

I melted into the kiss and gripped Mike's shoulders tightly.

We continued to kiss until my back hit the kitchen counter.

"I think we should get it together for work. Have any scrubs I can borrow?" I  asked while laughing.

"Yeah, but can they fit you?" He asked and trapped me at the kitchen counter to kiss me again.

I kissed back before grabbing a bowl of Mike's fruit salad.

"I'm gonna take Bear out for a walk, so stay if you want or..."

"I want to stay Mike, but I'm gonna have to go home and shower and get my size scrubs." I said and kissed him on the cheek before leaving.

Mike's POV

"On Bear, does she like me?" I asked my Newfoundland Bear pup after Hannah left.

He barked at me and I ruffled his fur then put my running shoes on to go for my daily run.

My shift today starts at nine and my premade YouTube video on meme reviews will be posted today. All is great... I think.

I don't wanna smother Hannah yet, because she lost her mother just last night.

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