Chapter 12: Red's Final Badge, Your the Gym Leader!?

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"Well well I expected you to show up one of these days" We heard behind us.

Turning around we came face to face with the Veridian city gym leader, "Giovanni, wait why are you here?" Red asked.

"Because the Veridian City gym leader would be me" He said.

"I had a feeling" I said causing Red to look at me. "I mean it makes sense, a gym leader who is super strong and uses ground type pokemon, that could be anyone but one thats away for so long they closed the gym and no one has seen the leader around it would serve to make sense the leader would probably be busy, and with that knowledge it makes sense it would be you but i hoped i was wrong" I explained.

"But that can't be" Red said in disbelief and looked at me as if begging me to tell him it was a joke. But seeing the seriousness on my face he knew it was true. "So then this place is, this gym is Team Rocket's-" Red cut himself off.

"Yes, its just a front to hide Team Rockets real work" Giovanni said walking over to where his grunts were my eyes following his every move. Looking on I saw why, a stand rose up from the floor holding six pokeballs. "Since your here I assume you wish to take on the gym leader in a pokemon battle" He said picking up a pokeball.

"Your not a gym leader, you can't be" I heard Red say behind me, turning around I was met with the back of Red. 'This isn't right the gym leader we've met up till now were all-" He continued cutting himself off.

"Red" I said worried, I could tell by his voice he was seriously upset.

"Sure they did things differently, and they all had different personalities and attitudes, they even battled differently too, but even so there was one thing that everyone of them had in common, and that was how much they loved there pokemon" He said turning around. "There wasn't one of them who only thought of pokemon as a tool for business the way that you do" Red said.

Looking at red I saw how much he truely loved his pokemon and i couldn't help but smile at him, looking back to Giovanni, "Their bond with there pokemon was what made each one of them the same something you clearly never learned" I said as I looked at eevee in my arms.

Looking back at him i saw him making a face, one that i couldn't exactly pin point wether it was a glare, a grin, a combination of both i don't know. And it made it even more confusing when i heard a small chuckle coming from home.

"I won't accept this, i won't believe that you are the strongest gym leader i refuse" Red said.

"The truth of the matter is I don't need you to accept it, but what do you plan to do about it, are you going to battle me?" Giovanni asked as i looked at Red.

"Absolutely" was the answer he got. I didn't like the idea but i trusted Red's decision.

Hearing a chuckle i turned to Giovanni, "very well" He said cockily.

"But be aware that tis is not a challenge to a gym leader I challenge the enemy of all pokemon" Red said determined. Looking at Giovanni just then you could tell did not like that answer. Not to long after did the lights turn on.

"Another boy of about your age came to this gym just yesterday, he too was arrogant, but he had a potential that far out stripped any other pokemon train that i have faced" Giovanni said.

"Blue" Both Red and I said at the same time.

"Arrogant huh yep thats our Blue alright" I said with a sigh.

"I decided to go ahead and accept that boy's challenge, i did so as a gym leader" Giovanni told up placing the pokeball he had in his hand back in its place as the platform that held his six pokeballs disappeared replacing it with two Ultraballs. Turning his head he looked at red, "thats not the case with you" he said. I made my way over to the side looking on, i saw him pick up his ultraballs turning back to Red. He looked to be thinking about something but what only he will know.

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