Chapter 8: The Ghost of Pokemon Tower

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"Why did we have to wait until it got dark to do this, this place is even creepier in the dark" I said.

"We gotta make sure Team Rocket dosen't spot us" Red explained, "besides i think we should more so worry about the ghost if its real" He said walking in.

"Oh yea i almost forgot about that" I said nervously followibg him albiet a bit begrudgingly.

Reaching the tower we stopped in front of it, "I said I'd go, but now that we're here its more scary than i thought" He said.

"Oh really i hadn't notice" I said sarcasticly.

As we both made our way inside, me frantically looking around me as we did, reaching another floor I heard Red mumble somethinf to himself, "what was that?" I asked him nervously.

"I said there's a sudden chill in here" He repeated.

"Hahaha you kidding right?" I asked and got no answer in return, "please tell me your kidding!" I pleaded.

Red had then suddenly stopped turning back to him I raised an eyebrow in question but then realized he wasn't looking at me. Turning around slowly i jumped when i saw a figure walking behind me running behind red as i did.

 Turning around slowly i jumped when i saw a figure walking behind me running behind red as i did

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"You really don't have to worry i'm not a ghost" The woman said.

Realeasing a sigh of relief we looked back to the woman. "Please don't scare us like that" He said.

"I came here because i wanted to see my nidoran" She explained. "You care about your pokemon to correct, did you come to pay your respects?" She asked.

"Aren't you afraid?" Red asked her.

"Of course not, it seems the ghost only appears further up, it must hold a grudge against team rocket" She said.

"You said thats its farther up?" Red repeated to which she nodded.

"Grrreeeaaattt" I said sarcasticly as we both made our way further up bidding the woman a good bye.

Xx futher up xX

Blue had just reached another floor of the tower, "i can't believe they think there's a ghost in here, I mean just the fact that Team Rocket took over this place, anyone with any brains at all would realize they made up the story just to scare people away" He said cockily.

Reaching to yet another flight of stairs and stopped at the bottom, "the genius Blue will finally reveal Team Rockets sneaky tricks, and then kick them out of here for good, soon my name will hold a special place in the history of Lavender Town, Angel will be so impressed he's leave Red and join me in no time" He said chuckling to himself.

Xx back to Red and Angel xX

I sneezed a little red looking at me with a raised eyebrow, "you ok" He asked curious.

Pokemon origins (red x male! oc reader x blue) Where stories live. Discover now