Chapter 6: Lavender Town

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After defeating the Pweter City gym leader Red and I continued on our journey, along the way we meet a vendour, who Red bought the red and yellow fish pokemon, Magikarp from. In my opinion it seemed like a scam, paying for a pokemon who knows only one move that isn't very useful in battle, but Red was detemined and it would evolve into a power house so I guess its not so bad.

Next our journey took us to Mt moon where we had to go through a cave in order to continue, the cave was cool but it did have an abundance of the blue and purple eyeless bat pokemon Zubat. Close to the end of the cave we meet a guy who wore a white labcoat. He battled red and lost in the end and let red take a fossil of a pokemon.

As we made it out the cave, we came upon Cerulian City where we meet someone from Team Rocket, an infamos organization that used pokemon for thier own gain, the black and red clothed criminal had stolen something from a family and was trying to escape through their back yard. Luckily Red and I was able to stop them before they got away and retrived the item which was another TM.

After dealing with the Team Rocket member we went straight to the Cerulian City gym.

The Gym was essentially a big pool with some walk ways for challengers to walk on, going up against the Cerulian city gym leader Misty proved more difficult for red since he was at a disadvantage this time around

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The Gym was essentially a big pool with some walk ways for challengers to walk on, going up against the Cerulian city gym leader Misty proved more difficult for red since he was at a disadvantage this time around. Unlike the Pewter city gym where at least one of his pokemon had an advantage this time his pokemon were neutral while Charmander was the only one who had a disadvantage. But luckily Red had won the battle against her, recieving the Cascade badge, but it was really close.

Eventually enough, Red's Chamander evolved into Charmeleon, and even got an old fishing rod from a fisherman. Eventually we made it to Vermillion City and boarded the SS Ann that was docked their, this where we were able to help the captain who was suffering from seasickness, go figure. Inturn he gave red the HM for the move cut as a thank you.

After that we went to the Vermillion city gym where Red then battled its gym leader Lt. Surge and his electric type pokemon. The gym itself was filled with bins two of which had switches at the bottom that we had to switch, and to say that it was a bit annoying would be an understatement. But Red defeatrd him and got the Thunder badge, bringing his badge count up to three.

Eventually we meet the pokemon fan club and we each got vouchers for bicycles fron the chairman, which was amazing since the shop owerner for the bikes were selling them for a ridiculous amount of money, how he is still in business no one knows.

And now we're going through a rock tunnel on our way to Lavender town. After reaching the exit of the rock tunnel we reached a ledge and saw Lavender Town, but what i was more focused on was how the town looked like it was directly taken from the a horror movie, which sent shivers up my spine and not in the good way. But i ignored it since it was still just a normal town and we made our way down to the pokemon center.

"Welcome to our pokemon center" Nurse Joy said as she took reds pokemon and handed me back eevee in its pokeball. I smiled thanking her as i released my parthner who was happy to be free. Picking her up in my arms i smiled as she nuzzled my face giggling as she did, i then looked over to red who was oddly quiet.

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