Sacrifice and closures pt.3

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It was a week after springtrap was gone, nick may have forgotten him but deliah hadn't; she looked everywhere for him but couldn't find him she tried the last place he was which was the closet. After searching around and finding nothing she when to harry for help they thought of going to the police but it sounded like a bad idea so they went to the only one for help

Matt: why would I help you

Harry: cause your my brother


Harry: and if You don't I'll tell mom about that wild party that you threw a week ago.

Matt turned paled, "deal" he said


Matt: alright here

A website popped on the screen that showed the Auction nick gotten springtrap from, deliah wrote down the company's name that built him and left to go home.

Nick: "hey deliah"

Deliah: yeah

Nick:there's a box here for you

Deliah: okay

Deliah took the box up to her room and opened it inside was a stuffed rabbit that had golden fur, green eyes, and a purple bow wrapped around its neck, a Note was a the bottom of the box it said

-"To delilah from an old friend"

Deliah put the stuffed rabbit on her bed and went to the computer and typed in

Alicia's animatronics

Genocide and pacifist watched as she searched the internet

Genocide: she's not going to find him that way, the company doesn't even exist that witch didn't even make him

Pacifist: she just wants answers and we should help her

Genocide: sis you know we're not allowed to mess with her deals

Pacifist: too late

Pacifist smiled and used abit of magic to type in the address of the location of where the place was.

Pacifist: there's no harm in helping others sis

And with that pacifist left her sister to muttered quietly "yeah...but a what cost ?".

After an hour deliah and harry parents went to bed matt gave them a ride to their destination. It wasn't a company though, it was a small cottage near a deep forest.

Matt: I'll stay in the car remember you only have 3 hours till we have to go back

Both went into the cottage to find a young girl looking over a cauldron, she had long black hair that went to her hips and wore a sliver and white dress the went to her feet she was humming an eerie melody that sounded familiar to delilah

Deliah: um excuse me

The girl turned to the young teens, she  had a look on her face that was a mixer between surprise and a bit of disappointment

Girl: I didn't expect you 2 to come here, honestly I thought you'd forgotten your friend after 3 days

Deliah: I didn't forget springtrap

Girl: your father did

Harry: did you make springtrap?

The girl turned her head to the young boy, a small smile was on her face

Girl: no I didn't but I did something for him

Deliah: what did you do?

Girl: I suppose I should start from the beginning

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