Then suddenly I sat up on my bed.

Sure he could force me into his house because he's the big bad alpha and just because he asked my parents doesn't mean anything.

I got up from my bed and took a shower, letting the hot water wash away my anger.

≪≪≪ the next day ≫≫≫

Pulling the blankets off of my body, I made my way to the bathroom and got ready.

Looking into the mirror, I sighed.

This is going to be a long day..

After applying my everyday makeup, I exited the bathroom and opened my closet doors and picked out a pair of light blue shorts and a white crop top that had the words sin across it. I topped it off with a silver chain.

Grabbing my bag, phone and car keys, I ran downstairs.

I set my bag on the counter and read a piece of paper by a plate of pancakes and cup of orange juice.

'Dear Camila,

Your father and I have something important to do and we weren't here to see you and say goodbye. remember to be good to the alpha and visit soon.

Love, mom'

Folding the paper, I set it back on the table.

After eating the pancakes and gulping down the last of the Orange juice, I set it in the sink and left it there.

Putting on my white converse, I rushed out the door with my bag.

I started the engine and drove to school.

Once I entered the school parking lot, I parked in an open spot near the front of the school.

Not a good idea.

I got out the car, only for everyone to stop what they were doing and quiet down until all I could hear were whispering and gossip about me.

All attention Was on me now.

I quickly walked towards the school trying to find Ariel and Marc so that it would be less awkward.

Still walking towards the school holding area, a set of high heel clanking noises were making their way from behind me.

That's when I heard the most annoying screechy voice I've ever heard.

"So you're that little bitch that thinks you're Damien's mate."

I turned around to see her and her little group of wannabe barbies.

Everyone knows them as the most popular girls in school.

Chloe was the leader of Bitches. Heck! She's the definition of bitch!

I just looked at her and didn't reply.

She then shoved me until I fell on the concrete, scraping my legs and elbows.

I winced in pain.

"Well... you're wrong. he's my mate!"

She emphasized on the word my.

I got up and brushed off the dirt on my shorts and looked up at her.

"I never agreed that he was my mate." I stated through gritted teeth.

I was about to hold her up against the wall by her throat, but someone beat me to it.

I watched in shock as Damien held her by the neck and threw her towards a nearby tree.

A loud crack was heard when Chloe's back hit the tree.

"IF YOU EVER TOUCH OR TALK TO MY MATE LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN, I WILL KILL YOU!! DON'T EVER LET ME SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN YOU FUCKING WHORE!!" His voice was full of dominance and echoed through the school campus.

Damien turned around and picked me up bridle style.

"What are you doing!"

"What does it look like I'm doing?" He replied.

I started banging my fists against his chest, "let me down! I can walk on my own! And I had everything completely under control!" I yelled

"yeah, you had everything under control! Look at yourself!" He screamed

"I didn't ask for your help!"

He didn't say anything and kept walking towards his Lamborghini while everyone was still watching us.

He put me down on the passenger seat, being careful with my scratches.

He shut the door and went around the front of the car to the drivers seat and started the engine.

We drove out of the parking lot and out of school property.

We both sat there in silence for what seemed to be thirty minutes.

he then drove in a passage that led to his mansion.

He parked the car out in the front and got it. walking over to my side, he opened the door and picked me up bridle style yet again.

Once we were in the house, he led me to his room and set me on the bed.

"I'll be right back." he then walked out the room.

Did he honestly think I would wait for him?

I took this chance to make a run for it.

Peeking outside first, I ran down a hallway and down the grand stairs.

Where the heck am I?!

I kept running around his mansion trying to find an exit.

I spotted another door and ran down to it as fast as I could.

This might be it. This could be my chance to leave.

I was only a few feet away from the door until I got pulled and slammed back against a wall.

Both of Damien's hands were set against the wall; locking me in so that I couldn't escape.

We were so close, that I could hear his heartbeat.

His face was so close to mine.

I suddenly felt hot and my heart started to quicken.

Why am I feeling this way?

We just stood there, his hands still in between my head. Our eyes never leaving each other.

That's when he started to lean in.

My heart quickened even more than it was already and my body was bursting with sparks.

I was frozen in place while I watched as he slowly kept leaning in towards my me.

I averted my eyes towards his plump lips.

His lips brushed against mine.

suddenly, he moved away and whispered in my ear. "Don't ever try to escape again."

Quickly backing away, he threw a first aid kit and a large white shirt towards me.

I caught it and looked back up to see him turning a corner.

I stood there dumbfounded.

"That fucking bastard." I whispered

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2014 ⏰

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