Gerald: Hello again and uh did not expect you two here what brings you here anyways?

Illustrious: We are here to spectate Me and Unicorn are curious of your power

Unicorn: I wanna see Brother's Powers *Smiles*

Enterprise: With that said, we will give you 5 tests today Defence,Strength,Speed,Accuracy And Your Planes

Gerald: Well i guess i could suprise you all on what i can do infact i have been keeping it a secret since i dont brag about my powers and that i just wanna show it to them if i am at a real war

Enterprise: Hmm, That made me look foward to your powers anyways if youre ready you could go down those stairs and ready your riggings

Gerald: Alright

(AN: During previous chapters Gerald was supposed to mention that he has riggings but didn bother to show them unless its for testing or war purposes so yeah and thats why alot of shipgirls knew he is the 1st shipboy)

(Gerald went down stairs and took a deep breath)

Gerald's Thoughts: Its ok i can do this

(Gerald summoned his riggings it spawned white cubes before that then suddently Everyone was shocked at his riggings)

Enterprise: Hold on! We never saw a ship who has 4 flight decks around his back and those other things at his back

Belfast: Look he has some sort of armament that his attach to his clothes as well

Illustrious: What is that weapon he is holding is that a case?

Unicorn: I see no cannons that Brother has

Enterprise: Your right, where are his cannons?

(Everyone was a bit skeptical on why Gerald has no cannons until London says in the speaker room...)

London in speaker: Alright Gerald first test is strength and accuracy

Gerald: So who do i hit

London in speaker: Do you see that sand bag dummy? I want you to hit it with your armaments

Gerald: Alright

(Gerald send out 1 seasparrow which the girls werent expecting and also doesnt know what that was)

Enterprise: What is that?

Illustrious: Is that some sort of torpedo?

(The seasparrow was a bit off of the target but it changed its direction and is straightly and very fastly going to the dummy and thus it exploded)

Belfast: Hold on, didn you all saw that thing was a bit off of the target?

Enterprise: Your right it was a few meters away but suddently it changed its direction

London in speaker: Alright we are now going to increase the dummies to 3 with different meters

Gerald: Alright

(Gerald saw 3 dummies 1 at front and 2 at the back)

(Gerald sends out 2 seasparrow and 1 airframe missiles and everything was a hit)

London in speaker: Great job Gerald, we are now moving to moving dummies which means ill test your accuracy as well

(Gerald saw a dummy moving sideways at a decent speed)

London in speaker: hit it if you find the right spot to shoot it

Gerald: Right

(When the dummy was at the right side Gerald shot an airframe missile to the left and some of the girls was concerned about it)

Illustrious: Why did he shot it at the left?

Enterprise: I dont know

Belfast: Look!

(When the airframe missile was shot to the left it instantly turn right to the dummy and the girls we're suprised on what they are seeing)

Belfast: How can a projectile move on its own?

Illustrious: I dont know even but lets just say its cause of his advance technology from his world

(The airframe missile hit the dummy directly and exploded)

London in speaker: well done Gerald we will now be adding 3 moving dummies at different speed and different place

(Gerald saw 3 dummies moving 2 sideways and 1 Foward and Backward ways 1 dummy was moving very fast pace while the others is just at fast pace)

Gerald: Havent use my gun so ill use it right away

(Gerald Unfolded his case and it turned into a shotgun, it even said "SHOTGUN RISE" "Bullet Mode")

Gerald: Alright

(The girls were a bit impressed by his weapon)

Enterprise: So he uses a gun

Illustrious: A shotgun to be exact

(When Gerald unfolded his shotgun he was focused by using a small sight as a scope)

(When the very fast dummy had started to turn right he immediately shoots at the very fast paced dummy cause his beliefs was that most his bullets will hit the dummy due to how fast his bullets goes)

(And his theory was correct 5/8 shots landed a hit and the dummy exploded)

(AN: His shotgun can be compressed or not but during this time his shotgun was compressed meaning the bullets is a bit closer to each other)

Chapter 7 End

Gerald: Did you seriously made a cliffhanger?

Author: Yeah im tired as hell

Gerald: Bro thats literally the worst time to make a cliffhanger

Author: I dont care i wanna rest ok

Author: Want me to call Ark royal here?


Author: Good now let me rest

Gerald: But you said you will release this on Monday and its sunday today lier

Author: Shush more early better for my readers

Gerald: Fine just give me cake and ill forgive you

Author: Alright

The Lost Carrier (USS Gerald Ford X Azur Lane) (Dropped)Where stories live. Discover now