"Why are we—" Kaira began to question before Theta Grant exited the car and opened the door for his Luna.

"Alpha Crimson has been away from pack duties for quite some time. We need to return home quickly to take care of some matters, thus we will be taking Alpha Crimson's private jet back to the province of Rowim," Theta Grant reported as he held the door with one hand and Simba's carry-on in the other.

"Didn't I tell you that I don't understand the language of monsters?" Kaira glared fiercely towards Theta Grant who looked like a child who was scolded by his mother. Beta Zachariah snickered at Theta Grant as he grabbed the luggages from the trunk of the Range Rover.

Kaira took Simba's carry-on away from Theta Grant's hand before stepping away from him and looking towards her mate. Alpha Crimson stood by the side of the car and held a hand out towards his mate. Kaira was about to laugh in his face but stopped when she saw the dent on the side of his Range Rover's door.

"Hey, this dent! Looks like you still haven't fixed it," Kaira smiled mockingly at the three men as her hand touched the dent she left on the car when she punched it a few days ago.

Realization hit Beta Zachariah and Theta Grant at the same time as they stared at their Luna with shock and admiration evident in their gaze.

"That was you? With that old lady?" Beta Zachariah yelled in surprise as he looked between Kaira and the dent left on his Alpha's favorite car.

Kaira simply nodded with a proud smile before frowning when she felt a certain man's large hands rub the top of her head tenderly. She turned and was shocked to see Alpha Crimson smiling at her with a warm smile that she did not think he was even capable of showing.

'Oi! Stupid cousin! Luna damaged your favorite car not once, but twice and you're smiling proudly at her? What do you call a fool in love?' Beta Zachariah thought to himself as he and Theta Grant followed the duo into the airport with their luggage.

Alpha Crimson led his mate into the airport with a rare smile on his face. His big, warm hand held tightly onto his mate as he proceeded to guide her towards his private gate at the airport. Kaira kept her gaze down and she could feel everyone looking towards them.

Various announcements played out in the airport as Kaira kept trying to pull her hand out of Alpha Crimson's tight grip. It seemed as though each time she tried to pull her hand away, he would hold onto her more tightly.

"Now boarding flight 901 for the province of Nepra. Please make your way to gate ten, take off will be in 15 minutes." Kaira felt her blood run cold when she heard the announcement in the airport. That was the same province that the old Master from the bar got her a ticket for.

She calmed her racing heart but of course, Alpha Crimson had already noticed it.

"What's wrong? Are you sick?" Alpha Crimson questioned as he stopped walking and pulled Kaira over to sit on the bench near the restrooms.

"Ugh...Crimson, my head..." Kaira put her high school acting skills to perfect use while mumbling her words out weakly and held her mate's hand up to her forehead.

Alpha Crimson felt her forehead and frowned when he noticed that it was a bit hot. He looked towards his Beta who immediately took out Kaira's medication. Before they drove to the airport, Alpha Crimson made sure the pack doctor in Beta Rick's territory conducted a thorough check up on his mate first.

"Shit, we ran out of water. I'll run and buy some at that Starbucks," Beta Zachariah stated as he ran off towards the other location. Kaira hid her smirk as she mentally noted 'one down, two more to go.'

Alpha Crimson's Unpredictable Mate Where stories live. Discover now