The Good Deed

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The trio were walking around in a desert of a planet, the planet also had a city, mountains, hills, and right next to the planet was a planet of mud. Wander was playing his banjo singing a song. Rosie played her ukelele alongside Wander singing along while Sylvia whisled while walking. Rosie liked these kinds of days where everything was peaceful. As much as Rosie loved adventure it was nice just to relax once in a while and not worry about Hater conquering a planet.

While singing the trio went pass a rabbit that was unconscious. Rosie was the first to notice the rabbit, Rosie saw that the rabbit was pale with little color. The trio heard the rabbits stomach growl loudly then immediately pass out. Rosie put her hands to her mouth in shock at the sight of the rabbit passing out. Rosie and Wander then looked at Sylvia putting their hands together as Rosie asked in desperation "Please Sylvia, pretty please?", Sylvia answered with "Okay" which made Rosie rush towards the rabbit with Wander and Sylvia following her. Rosie picked up the unconscious rabbit checking it's pulse, it was something thing her mother taught her just in case of an emergency. Thankfully the rabbit was alive but still passed out.

Rosie held the rabbit as Wander looked at them asking "Hungry, little feller?". When Wander asked this the rabbits stomach flattened worring Rosie quite a bit. Rosie then said "We gotta get food and fast!" Rosie was starting to panic looking around, the city was miles away. Wander noticed this and said "It's okay Rosie I'm sure there's some food around here". Wander then looked around the desert saying "Hmm...gotta be somethin". When Wander spotted a carrot on a stick he gasped and said "There!", immediately after seeing it Wander said "Sylvia, six fingers!". Rosie then watched Sylvia put her fingers like Wander said then Wander bounced off them flying towards the carrot. Rosie watched and wondered if they did this all the time and she figured that they did. Rosie then saw Wander bounce back putting the carrot in the rabbits mouth. Rosie then saw the rabbit regain it's color and leap out of her arms happily. Rosie saw the rabbit wave goodbye while Wander and Sylvia weren't looking. Rosie waved back as the rabbit hopped away.

Rosie then heard Sylvia comment on Wander's pose saying "Little showy, don't' cha think?". Wander then replied "Nothin' wrong with lookin' good while doin' good". Rosie then added "Yeah Sylvia there's nothing wrong with looking good, we look so good we should be models". Sylvia giggled at Rosie's comment but her giggles were cut short when the trio heard a "HEY!". The trio then turned to the source of the sound seeing a duck man on his Hufflerumples staring angrily at them. The man then spoke saying "You stole my carrot!". Rosie stared at the man in shock as Sylvia said "Are you kidding me?". Wander then said "Oh, that was yours?", the man then began saying that his Hufflerumples won't move without the carrot. Rosie then added "We're so sorry sir we didnt know we really didn't" Rosie said feeling guilty about the situation.

Rosie then heard Wander talk about how usually when you start down the right path, you end up in the right place. Rosie had to agree with Wander's confusion but she knew the problem could be fixed when Wander suggested getting a carrot from the store. Rosie then said "Problem resolved" in relief. Then her relief was cut short when she saw the Hufflerumples run away at their realization that they could but their own carrots. "Oh biscuits" Rosie said in response to the turn of events but to add more salt to the wound the man then said "Oh, great! How am I supposed to get to my wedding, now?!".

Rosie felt even more guilty than before pulling at her hair as Sylvia said "Wedding? Oh...!". Sylvia then noticed Rosie pulling her hair and in response she put her hand on her shoulder and said "Easy Rosie don't pull out your hair it's not the end of the galaxy". Rosie took a couple of breaths before regaining her composure when Wander offered to take the man to his wedding. Rosie then sighed in relief and said "Crisis reverted again" as Sylvia rushed to the wedding with Wander playing racing on the clock music on his banjo. After a bit of running they made it the mans wedding ceremony the man thanked them then went down the isle. Rosie noticed that the wedding was decorated in toilet paper but didn't comment on it as Wander was once again talking about doing good will take you on the right path.

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