A Normal Day (Sorta)

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A/N: Here's a drawing I did of Rosie, I'm not an artist so sorry if it looks bad, I just wanted to give an idea of what she looked like. I will post a picture of Lola for the next chapter. I also added a song for Rosie to sing.

(7 years later)




"Ahhhhh!" Screamed Rosie as she woke up from bed. Rosie looked at the person who woke her up and it was none other than her mother. Rosie saw her mom laughing with a smile on her face.

"Mom!!!" Rosie yelled blushing. Rosie's mother had finally calmed down and looked at her daughter. "I'm sorry I couldn't help it" she paused, "Besides alarm clocks don't work on you so you left me no choice" she said playfully.

"Okay mom I forgive you, but you woke me up from the coolest! dream! ever!" Rosie said feeling disappointed. "Well sweetie how about you tell me about it at breakfest but first you need to get ready for school" Lola stated.
"Mom don't you mean homeschool" Rosie said correcting her mother. "Come on to-may-to, to-mah-to same thing, now come just get dressed" Lola said ruffling her daughter's hair before leaving.

Rosie got up from her bed and stretched a bit before heading over to her drawer. Rosie picked out her favorite green dress and headed over to the bathroom to brush her hair and teeth.

After she was done she walked downstairs into the the kitchen and saw her mother whipping up some breakfest. Lola turned to her daughter and smiled brightly, "Hey sweetie guess what we're having for breakfast" she asked excited. Rosie thought for a moment then answered "Let me guess, pancakes?". Lola smiled even wider, "Nope! Even better...we're having ice cream for breakfast!".

"Ice cream for breakfast? AWESOME!" Rosie said excited as she was sitting on her chair at the table. "Rosie do you want chocolate or vanilla?" Her mother asked."Hmmm? Why not both!" Rosie asked, "Alright chocolate and vanilla coming right up".

Soon a bowl of chocolate and vanilla ice cream was served to her with a spoon. Rosie's mother sat at the table with her bowl of chocolate ice cream. Rosie smiled at her mom, "Thanks mom, but you know what would make this ice cream even better?" Rosie asked. Lola looked at her daughter with curiosity and asked "What?". "What if we put cookies in the ice cream!" Rosie said eager to hear mothers response. Lola was silent before she grinned "Shoot! Why didn't I think of that!" Lola said. "I'll get us some right now!".

Lola reached her arm out towards the food cabinet, her arm was stretching out into a long vine opening the cabinet door, the vine wrapped around the cookie jar bringing it over to the table. Lolas arm turned back to normal then took a cookie and crushed it over her bowl."Mom! Mom! Let me try! Let me try!" Rosie asked eagerly. Rosie did the same exact arm vine as her mother, though she did it much slower. Rosie then crushed a cookie over her bowl then started digging in. "It looks like you're getting the hang of your power's, maybe one day you can be as good as me" Lola said proudly. "Thanks mom, but like you said practice makes perfect" Rosie stated still eating.

"So sweetie are you going to tell me about that cool dream you were having?" Lola asked curiously. "Oh well it was super cool, I was traveling all through the galaxy, oh!oh! then later in my dream I was fighting big monsters and villains, it was so cool!"  Rosie said. Rosie finished her story and looked at her mother expecting her to be excited. Instead she saw her mother with a horrified expression "Thats supposed to be a good dream!? That sounds more like a terrible nightmare!!!" Her mother said feeling concern.

"Sweetie we've talked about this, traveling across the galaxy is very  dangerous, especially fighting monster's and villains" Lola said sternly to her daughter. "Sweetie when you were just a baby I promised I'd protect you from the dangers of this world" Lola stated lecturing Rosie. "Ok mom but tell me why going to normal school so dangerus?" Rosie asked sarcastically challenging her mother."So much could happen you could be kidnapped, murdered or doom dragons could attack the school". Lola continued listing ridiculous scenarios that would that would only happen to 1% of people. Soon her mother continued, "Most of all what if a villain tries to conquer the planet while you at normal school? Huh? How am I going to protect you!?" Lola asked Rosie. Rosie quickly got annoyed and said "Mom no one's going to take over our planet"."Rosie you don't know that, no one knows that so that's why your homeschooled, to keep you safe" Lola paused for a moment before speaking again. "Rosie Thorn I never want to hear about travelling the galaxy or going to school from you ever again! You're staying here where its safe!" Lola stated. Lola was showing her serious side, a side of her she rarely shows to her daughter. "But-" Rosie tried to argue but her mother cut her off. "No buts you hear, now eat your ice cream before it melts" Lola said ending the argument.

Rosie sighed in defeat eating her ice cream in scilence for the rest of breakfast time.

Breakfast was soon over and it was learning time. "So sweetie what do you want to do today for school? Reading, math, or physical education?" Lola asked. "Well how bout music for today , I've been working on a song?" Rosie asked sheepishly. "Well then music it is! Now go get your ukelele" Lola said. So Rosie rushed up to her room and grabbed her ukelele. Rosie was always took an opportunity to play music whenever she could. Soon she rushed back over to her mother sitting down. "Oh sweetie I have a couple of chores I have to do outside, how about you practice your song?" Lola asked. "Okie dokie sounds good to me!" Rosie responded. "Alright sweetie I'll be back as soon as possible" Lola said stepping outside.

Rosie sighed and started playing her ukelele and sang her song

(The song When Will My Life Begin belongs to Disney not me)

🎵Seven a.m., the usual morning lineup
Start on the chores and sweep 'till the floor's all clean
Polish and wax, do laundry, and mop and shine up
Sweep again, and by then it's like 7:15🎵

🎵And so I'll read a book
Or maybe two or three
I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery
I'll play guitar and knit
And cook and basically
Just wonder when will my life begin?🎵

🎵Then after lunch it's puzzles and darts and baking
Paper mache, a bit of ballet and chess
Pottery and ventriloquy, candle making
Then I'll stretch, maybe sketch, take a climb
Sew a dress!🎵

🎵And I'll reread the books
If I have time to spare
I'll paint the walls some more
I'm sure there's room somewhere
And then I'll brush and brush
And brush and brush my hair
Stuck in the same place I've always been🎵

🎵And I'll keep wanderin' and wanderin'
And wanderin' and wonderin'
When will my life begin?🎵

Rosie was done with her song. Rosie always asked herself this question, "When will my life begin?" she asked out loud. Soon her question would be answered when her mom came bursting through the door then slamming it. Lola face was frightened as she rushed to close all the blinds in the house in a panic.

Rosie looked at her mother and asked "Mom what's going on?", feeling concerned. Lola grabbed her daughters hand and lead her to the livingroom and immediately turned on the T.V. Lola quickly skipped channel after channel looking for the news. "Attention all citizen's of planet Flora, the planet is currently being conquered by a villain, so there is one thing all citizen's should do...panic! Swear our alligence to our new evil leader!" Said the news man before the T.V cutoff showing only a blank image.

"WE'RE BEING CONQUERED!" Rosie screamed in a panic. Before Rosie can say anything else her mother covered her mouth shushing her. "Shhh you need to be quiet or else his army will hear us" Lola said cautiously. Lola took her hand away from Rosies mouth and walked over to the curtains taking a peak. Lola saw that most of the army was outside the neighborhood. Lola turned to Rosie "Sweetie go and get the emergency backpacks" she said urgently. Rosie did what her mother told her and rushed to get them,she also put her ukelele in her backpack before rushing back to her mother.

Lola was still looking outside seeing if there was a way to get past them undetected. Rosie came back with the backpacks. Lola took one and put it on her back. "Mom what's the plan?" Rosie asked scared. Lola sighed "I cant find a way to get past them" Lola paused for a moment, "Unless..." Lola came up with an idea. Lola sighed and knealed down to Rosie looking her in the eyes."Rosie I need you listen to me and do everything I say okay?" Lola asked, Rosie nodded quietly listening. "Rosie the only way we can get past them is if I distract them while you run out of the planet."What! What about you!" Rosie asked in concern. Trust me I promise I'll be fine just go to the closest planet and wait for me okay" Lola said reassuringly. Rosie started crying then asked "You promise?", "I promise" Lola said.

Soon the two hugged eachother "I love you mom"."I love you too baby". The two seperated "Rosie run now and don't look back for me!" Lola stated. Rosie ran outside creating an orbble bubble running as fast as she can. Rosie heard her mother distracting the army but didn't turn back.

Now for the first time in her life she was all alone ...

A/N: Thank you for reading, but before I go can anyone guess which villain in Wander Over Yonder is conquering planet Flora?. I'll give you a hint,Rosie says his name during breakfast.
If you find out leave it in the comments. Well bye see you in the next part.

Shout out to my sister Reyna for fixing my grammer.

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