The Picnic

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Today was the day. The day that only came once a millennium. It was when the planets of this galaxy would align and grant someone one wish and it was known as the Cosmic Conjunction.

When Wander had told Rosie about it she was excited about it. After all it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, she wouldn't even be alive for the next one. Wander had told her and Sylvia a week prior to this saying they would have a picnic over there. When Rosie heard about the planets aligning she couldn't stop raving about it, counting the days until it was time.

Well today was that day and she  couldn't be more excited. "I can't believe it! I can't believe! Today's the day!" Rosie said jumping up and down. "I know I'm just as excited as you are, this is gonna be a great picnic!" Wander said jumping alongside Rosie. "Alright you two we have to find a good spot" Sylvia said looking around. "On it" Rosie and Wander said saluting her.

As the two looked around Rosie saw the golden pyramid that granted the wish, though they were behind it not in the front. Rosie pointed at it saying "Ooh! Over there! Over there!". Sylvia looked at it saying "How did we not notice that before?" Sylvia asked in confusion. Rosie and Wander simply shrugged despite the pyramid being right infront of them. "Well we'll see about it Rosie" Sylvia stated.

"Alright you two I'm going to the bathroom and it's gonna take awhile" Sylvia stated. "Because you only go every 5 months?" Rosie asked, "Yes, that's why Rosie" Sylvia answered. "So you two go find a spot while I'm gone, got it?" Sylvia asked. "Okie dokie Syl, and if you miss the planets aligning I'll take pictures for you" Wander said grabbing Rosies hand. Before they could even take a step Sylvia stopped them making the two turn back to her.

"Remember you two, especially you Wander, this is really embarrassing so don't go blabbin' like ya always do!"  Sylvia told them. Rosie and Wander nodded their heads. Sylvia satisfied with their answer walked over to the bathroom conveniently behind the pyramid. Once she was in the bathroom Rosie and Wander continued their search for a good spot.

"Come on Rosie, lets check out the front of the pyramid" Wander said holding Rosies hand leading her towards the front. When the two made it to the front Rosie saw Lord Hater and his army, she also saw another army of hands with a shark dude she didn't recognize on a dinosaur with armor. When Rosie saw this she knew things were about to get interesting. Rosie watched as Hater explained the Cosmic Conjunction to the person named Emperor Awesome. Rosie had to admit that Lord Hater actually looked really cool and intimidating when he wasn't acting like an immature teenager.

Just as Hater almost finished his speech Wander finally noticed him and asked "Hater! Is that you?" Lord Hater looked at the two. Wander continued "It's us, Wander and Rosie! Are you here to watch the planets align, too? Look!" Rosie watched Wander take off his hat and take out the picnic basket he prepared earlier. "I even packed a piiicniiiiic!" Wander said in a sing along. Rosie watched an annoyed Hater attempt to ignore Wander and continue his speech but Wander interupted him "Hater! You remember us right? I travel the galaxy, I'm about this tall, wear a hat".

Wander then motioned towards Rosie "You can't forget about Rosie of course, she has a rose on her head, she has pink hair, and she's absolutely adorable!". Hater once again attempted to ignore them but once again Wander continued. "Sometimes I make this face..."  Wander continued making faces as Rosie giggled at the all the funny faces he was making. Rosie also giggled at Haters rising anger at Wander. Before Wander could interrupt Hater quickly finished his speech.

"Probably wondering where our best pal Sylvia is, huh?" Wander said. Rosie immediately looked at Wander threatening him "Wander you better not tell him". Unfortunately for Rosie, Wander didn't listen and continued telling Hater about Sylvia being in the bathroom. Rosie kept trying to stop him but it was too late. Wander only realized his mistake towards the end of his speech saying an "Oh". Rosie faceplamed at his as Lord Hater yelled "I DON'T CARE!".

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