The Fugitives

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It started off as a normal day for the trio, exploring the planet, helping people, the usual. Well it was a normal day until they saw a black pyramid with an eyeball on it, curiosity got the better of the trio so they went over to get a closer look. Then they saw it a group of watchdogs surrounding the pyramid, one of the watchdogs pointed at them and yelled "There they are!", Rosie jumped on Sylvia's saddle and grabbed Wander with her vines as he was helping someone ,then Sylvia began running away from them as fast as she can.

The trio hid behind an alleyway and they looked around. The entire planet was surrounded by watchdogs on the ground and in the air. Rosie turned to Sylvia and said in a panic "Come on we have to get out of here!", Rosie grabbed the orbble juice in her backpack, just as she was about to make a bubble Sylvia snatched it from her. A shocked Rosie turned to Sylvia and asked "What was that for!?", Sylvia sighed and explained "They have lazers, they could shoot our bubble". Rosie realizing the logic made an "Oh yeah".

Then Rosie noticed a poster on the wall , Rosie immediately alerted Sylvia saying "Sylvia, you need to see this!". The poster wasn't any normal poster, it was a wanted poster. The poster said " Wanted for making Lord Hater look totally!!! And other punishable by death type stuff". Rosie could obviously tell Lord Hater wrote it himself, Rosie continued looking at the poster and on it were a picture of Wander and Sylvia but Rosie was missing from it. "I'm not sure if I should be flattered or offended that I wasn't included" Rosie said out loud.

Sylvia immediately ate it looking around seeing more watchdogs. Sylvia immediately grabbed Rosie and Wander pulling them deeper into the alleyway hiding in a trashcan nearby. Rosie covered her nose trying not to smell all the garbage inside as they were hiding. After a couple of seconds the watchdogs were gone and Sylvia and Rosie peeked out. Sylvia was the first to speak "Good grop! This place is crawling with watchdogs! We're gonna have to find a sneaky way outta here, and fast!". Rosie looked down in the trashcan expecting Wander to be in there but he gone. Rosie horrified alerted Sylvia saying "Wanders missing!", as soon as she said that they noticed Wander out in the open tying someones shoes. Rosie turned to Sylvia saying "Don't worry I got this", then she turned her arm into a vine immediately grabbing Wander pulling him back to the alley.

Sylvia covered Wanders mouth with her hand keeping him quiet, Sylvia then said "Wander, Rosie, we are wanted fugitives, we've gotta lay low!". 'Well you guys are anyways, not me!' Rosie silently thought to herself remembering she wasn't wanted like Wander and Sylvia. Wander then continued "Well, I don't wanna lay low. When I see someone who's a-needin', I just gotta help! It gives me this feeling that...starts down in my left toe, rises up through my gutty works, makes my heart all warm and toasty, floats up past the dangly thing in my mouth..." Sylvia then corrected him saying "Uvula", Rosie surprised for a moment said "Thats what its called?".

"And ends at the top of my head! It just feels so goooood!" Wander said with an angelic choir, Rosie wondered where it was coming from but her thought was cut short when a beam of light was shined towards them. Sylvia immediately grabbed Rosie and Wander hiding behind the wall as Sylvia covered Wanders mouth once again. Rosie and Sylvia recoiled in disgust when Wander licked Sylvia's hand covering it in saliva. After that Sylvia lectured Wander about not getting caught which Rosie didn't pay any attention to. Once Sylvia was done with her speech a flashlight was shined towards them and a watchdog yelled "There they are!". The trio ran away at top speed eventually hiding once again. Sylvia then noticed a ship and pointed at it and said " Ya see that ship? I'm gonna sneak over there and hot-wire it, and when I give the signal:
You two come runnin', and doo! We will blast off of this rock to safety" .

"Now just stay here, and don't call attention to yourself, this place is crawling with Watchdogs. Got it?" Sylvia asked Wander. Wander replied with a "Eeeeeeyesum", Sylvia happy said "Good". Before Sylvia could leave Rosie grabbed her hand stopping her, Rosie asked her "Wait what do I do?", Sylvia pondered for a moment then answered "Well since you're not wanted you can go out and take down all the posters until I make the signal, got it?". Rosie happy ran off saying "Aye aye captain". Rosie went taking down all the posters as fast as she can ripping them up. When Rosie heard Sylvia's signal she ran over to the ship saying "Mission accomplished" while saluting Sylvia. Rosie watched Sylvia make the signal again waiting for Wander, once again Sylvia did it again annoyed. Then Rosie and Sylvia saw Wander be chased by a watchdog, Sylvia made an "Eep!" While Rosie said "Grop!" In a panic.

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