Today is Not My Day

Start from the beginning

"Why the hell would I waste my time on someone as worthless as penis?" Flash asked, purposefully making sure I heard, "clearly his parents and uncle agree with me, seeing as they aren't in his life anymore."

Half the room laughed, the other half turned a blind eye.

'I won't cry because of him. I won't.'

So enough the teacher comes in and has us take the test.


I glance at the clock.

"Excuse me, can I leave early? We only have five minutes left,"

The teacher looks at the clock then nods. I hurry out of the class, Flash making a comment about how I have to take the subway or something. I just want to get outta there, so I ignore him. I walk to my locker; I put in the combo and it doesn't open. I glance to my left and right before yanking the lock, hard, hard enough for it to break right off of the locker. Ignoring the guilt of having to have May pay five dollars for a new one, I stuff everything into my backpack. I never keep anything valuable in my locker anyway.

I wipe my eyes as a few tears start to pop up.

'Don't cry don't cry,'

I'm out the front door right when the final bell rings. I spot Happys car and make my way over.

"Hey Happy!" I exclaim, well, happily.

He rolls up the divider without a word. Again, wasn't unusual, it just hurt more today. I smile to myself and pull out my phone.

Time to scroll through reddit.

The straw that broke the camels back was my crush, Harley Keener. To be fair, it wasn't really his fault. Also, if it was anyone else I would have been fine.

"Hey Harley,"

"Go bother the old man,  I'm working," he said, not looking up from his work.


This is the way we normally talk when one of us is super focused. But imagine hearing that from your crush when you've been on the verge of tears all day.

I gave a dramatic gasp.

"Trying to get rid of me already huh?" I'm really happy that he was focused because my eyes where welling with tears.

"Yes," he deadpanned, "begone peasant,"

"Fine, if you insist," I spin around walking back to the elevator. The second the door closed the waterfall of tears started.

"Fri, take me to my lab please, and don't let anyone down," I say with a shaky voice.

"Are you sure Peter?" F.R.I.D.A.Y asked, "When humans are sad, they are supposed to seek comfort with other humans, yes?"

"Not always Fri, I just had a bad day and wanna be alone. Please."

"Ok, Peter," She sounded unsure but the elevator moved anyway.

"Thanks Fri,"

The door slid open. I stumble out of the elevator, feeling my breath quicken. I walk to the right about 20 feet before I slump against the wall.

Quite sobs ripple through my chest as the tears keep coming.

'Today is really not my day,'

Harley POV

I frown as Peter walking into the elevator. Call it crush intuition, but something about his reactions seemed off.

I tap my pen against my desk a couple times, pondering my options.

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