Special Day

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Garnet looked over the list she had asked Pearl to make for her. Not that she couldn't do it herself but it was to help her feel useful. Garnet nodded everything is ready for this very specail day. She walked out the house and down the beach where she knew Pearl is she wanted to thank her for all her help and suggestions. Garnet grinned as the sound of fighting and teasing reached her ears. Emerald and Pearl were at it again sparring on the sand, too bad it wouldn't be for long. She saw Steven and Connie outside the huge circle in the sand.

"They have been like this since sunrise." Steven reported when he spotted her. Garnet grinned a knowing grin she had seen them sneak out.

" It all most looks like a dance." Connie says in awe not taking her eyes off the two.

"Hey Pearl, Emerald sorry to interrupt I just wanted to thank you for your help. By the way you guys should really find a new place to hash this out." Garnet says earning a blush from both gems.

"You're welcome." Pearl says shyly. Garnet laughed then left them to themselves she has a day of stuff Ruby and Sapphire wanted to do.

They walked a bit further then nodded and split. In her place holding hands are Ruby and Sapphire.

"Come on Sapphire, Pearl said the cliff up here is the best place to see sunsets!" Ruby she enthusiastically as she gently pulled a laughing Sapphire behind her. They reached the cliff and looked at each other it took all their will to not fuse in order to get up the cliff. They instead helped each other up little ledges and made it to the top. " I knew we could do it!", Ruby says grinning. Sapphire gave her a playful push they grinned at each other. Laceing fingers they walked to the edge of the cliff and sat down Ruby wrapped her arm around Sapphire and pulled her close.

"This is nice.", Sapphire says with a grin then kisses Ruby's cheek. Ruby smiled and they sat cuddling watching the sunset together. They then stood up and walked hand in hand to the statue. They then made up funny names for constellations and stars they pointed at laughing the whole time.

"Sapphire you know what?", Ruby asked grinning.

"What?" Sapphire asked smiling too.

"Today was the best day ever. Want to know why?." Ruby says pulling her closer.

"Why?" Sapphire asked scooting close enough for them to be physically  touching each other's sides.

" 'Cause I got to have the whole day to just look at you." Rubby says and Sapphire laughs.

"Oh Ruby, I love you.", Sapphire says giggling.

"I love you too Sapphire. ", Ruby says and they kiss for a long moment. "Ready?" Ruby asks when they stop kissing.

"Ready. Let's do this again." Sapphire says and Ruby nodds then they fuse into Garnet who is grinning like a champ. She reclines for a while then heads back home to the others.


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