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AUTHORS NOTE: If you read the original you will find the writing is different. That is because as I am looking through editing it I decided to add or take away from my story. I wrote this many years ago so thought I would give them a make over as I rewrite them here

As they walked they came across a debries field. Ruby reached for Sapphire's hand as she reached for hers. This is where they last saw Emerald and where they had almost lost each other. They quietly looked on the broken pieces and bits strewn around. Memories filled their minds as they look upon the broken and torn bits.


                            ~FLASH BACK~

Ruby had just finished poofing the gem she had been fighting when she felt a tap on her arm. She tuned  ready to fight only to see Sapphire who took her hand and gave it a tug.

"We have to go back to the others.", Sapphire says and Ruby nodd then turns and together they run back to the hill they had just came over. Just as they reached the top they could see the others fighting below. Emerald and Pearl fought back to back on one side of Rose Quartz while a still young Amethyst whipped gems on her other side further away. Pearl jumped in front of Rose as three gems tried to attack. They were just about to run down the hill when the ground began to shake and rumble as a red laser beam tore through it.  They see where it is pointed and their hearts drop when they realize it is aimed directly at Rose and Pearl ,the enemy wanted to end this fast and grimly.

"Look out!", Ruby shouted getting only Emerald's attention. The green gem looked up wide eyed then pushed Pearl and Rose out of the way then turned to attack the laser. It was truly an act of bravery and foolishness at once. Pearl looked up just as the explosion of the lazer being destroyed engulfed the hill.

"EMERALD!, NO!",Pearl yelled looking horrified she then fell to her knees devastated. Ruby turned to Sapphire as they ran she nodded and they fused into Garnet. Then Rose, Garnet, Amethyst, and an enraged Pearl took out a good chunk of what was left of the enemy. A retreat was called and the Crystal Gems were left alone on Mercury.

"Garnet...?", Pearl asked hopefully her voice held pain they all felt. Though the fusion knew that Pearl felt it even more.

"I'm sorry Pearl I looked and looked but I just can't see her right now.",Garnet says sadly. Pearl looked down on the verge of tears she only looked up when she felt a comforting hand which belonged to Rose.

          ~FLASHBACK END~

"I have come to realize that our time together is precious.",Sapphire says softly squeezing Ruby's hand.

"Isn't that why we want to stay fused so that we don't lose eachother?", Ruby asked her softly. To this Sapphire nodded.

"I love being fused with you but I also love spending time with you like this too.", Sapphire says.

"All right then we will have a special day that is just me and you.", Ruby says with a grin at her.

"That sounds wonderful! Ruby be ready your about to see a lost gem.", Sapphire says then smiles as a green semi tall gem steps out of the dark. She looks at them long and, hard then rubbs her eyes in disbelief  at what she sees then grins. " Yes it's us Emerald.", Sapphire says reassuringly.

"Emerald!? Will every one be glad to see you!", Ruby says exightedly and  the quiet gem gave her a questioning look. "PEARL will be super happy.", Ruby says with a grin.

"Let's introduce her to Garnet first remember they haven't been properly introduced.", Sapphire says as Emerald raised an eyebrow and watched them fuse.

" So that's who you are. Well congrats I'm happy for you.",Emerald says slowly to Garnet when she appeared.

"Now just to wait for our ride.", Garnet says moving her sunglasses Emerald just nodded feeling it was a waste of time to argue. There were thing that this gem just seemed to know and it was just best to watch and wait.

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