New Start

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Emerald stood up offering Pearl her hand which Pearl took and, was helped up. The memories from long ago came flooding back

1... 2... 3..


They had been walking for a while now. Rose and , Sapphire talked while Ruby nodded or added a comment. Pearl on the other hand is walking behind them just in front of Emerald still looking pretty mad. After a while she slowed down and is walking beside the quiet gem.

"Why did you do that?", Pearl asked glaring at her.

"Do what?", Emerald asked not quite sure what she could of done wrong.

"Save me. You should have been protected Rose. After all she is a precious gem.", Pearl says sternly.

"We don't need to follow those rules any more. What about Ruby? To Sapphire she is a precious gem. There could be a thousand Rubies but, to Sapphire there is only one. You, Pearl, are a precious gem in your own way.", Emerald says looking angry walks away leaving Pearl wide eyed.


Emerald could never understand how Pearl could see herself as soo..worthless. The green gem knew that was just how things were on Homeworld but they were fighting for being more then what they were seen as in the Gemworld. had been so different and new. It also had been scary Pearl remembered  when they were still looking for a headquarters.

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They had been on this Earth beach maybe five minutes and Rose Quartz splits them in two groups. Sapphire, Ruby, and Emerald in one group with Pearl, Amethyst, and Rose herself in another group. Sapphire's group went one way and Rose's group went another. When Rose spotted something in the distance she asked Amethyst and Pearl to continue the beach search while she went ahead. While searching the beach something green caught Pearl's eye. So she went to check it out with Amethyst following right after her. With a little digging a pretty green bow is revealed in the sand. The sight of this small hair bow made Pearl smile softly seeing this Amethyst grinned too.

"Hey you should give it to Emerald." Amethyst says with a grin.

"Why?" Pearl asked blushing slightly.

" 'Cause you know she will like it." Amethyst says rolling her eyes. Pearl looked thoughtful then nodded. Soon after the others came back shaking their heads. "Hey Emerald over here Pearl has something for you!"  the purple gem shouts.

"Amethyst!" Pearl hissed softly blushing as the quiet approached. Amethyst took the opertunity and slinked away. Emerald gave Pearl a curious look but said nothing."Here I want you to have this.", Pearl says blushing lightly as she held out the bow. Emerald saw the bow and gently took it then put it in her hair.

"Thank you Pearl." Emerald says softly blushing a little. Pearl nodded then slowly walked away smiling too.


"Now what?" Emerald asked softly letting Pearl's hand go.

"I don' t know I thought you were gone forever. It hurt a lot Emerald." Pearl say looking at the ground.

"I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you. I just could not form yet or I would have.",Emerald says slowly.

"I know believe me I know. I just… can we just have a new start?" Pearl asked hesitantly the green gem looked at her then down. "Not start over I don't think I could stand that. Just a new start here on Earth." Pearl says softly. Emerald looked thoughtful then smiled holding her arms open. Pearl smiled then stepped into the quiet gem's embrace. "I missed you too Emerald I'm glad you're here." Pearl says happily hugging her. They slowly stood apart smiling then left the barn to begin their new start. Emerald knew Pearl would need time to get use to her being around again. But, Emerald wasn't going to miss any opportunity to be around the slightly taller gem. After all she meant alot to Emerald and she did not come back just to lose what she gained years before. For, the first time in years she adjusted the bow in her hair snugly back in place remembering how it had been the thought of seeing Pearl, and the others that had helped keep her sanity. She followed Pearl to the house where the taller gem gave her a tour then took her to the temple.

"Your room is still there." Pearl says stopping just outside her door. " Why don't you settle yourself in I'll be at the beach if you need me."Pearl says then leaves slowly as Emerald enters her room. Emerald looked around it looked just the way she left it so long ago. She stayed there for about five minutes then decided to join Pearl on the beach.

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