Unexpected Trip

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Author's note The only Gem I own is Emerald. Please review I would love to know what you guys and girls think of Emerald.

Garnet had been helping Peridot build a rocket all day. The small green gem had been tinkering with it and drew the attention of the fusion. Her future  vision saw too many outcomes so Garnet knew that she will be needed.  It finally was finished around noon it towered a good deal over the seven foot gem making her nod and twitch her sunglasses. They stepped back and looked at it for a while.

"Now what?" Garnet asked Peridot turning to her. She of course knew there would be one of two answers it was all about seeing which one this will be.

"Well I need to test it. Garnet will you test it for me? " Peridot asked hopefully. The small three foot gem looked a tad nervous  and was shyly peeking at the much bigger fusion out of the corner of her eye.

"Why not." Garnet says then opens the rocket door. A tiny ghost of a smile appeared on her face as she climbed into. So it is this stream I must follow. She thought.

"Make sure you put the harness on it's going to shake you pretty bad." Peridot says closing the door. Peridot had after all only made it to simulate a rocket taking off. She wanted to see how Lapis would take to being in a small rocket after everything.Garnet strapped herself in waiting for what she knew will happen next. Peridot pushed the button then the rocket began to shake then it blasted off leaving Peridot staring. That wasn't  what was supposed  to happen!!

"PEARL!, AMETHYST!, STEVEN!" Peridot yelled and ran off. Garnet looked out the window to see the  world and stars fly by in a blurr of color that would make a human sick.. Soon the rocket smashed into a planet. Two small gems one red and, one blue flew from the crash and landed in the purple red dirt. They lay there quietly for a while then the red one started to glow. Ruby appeared looking around dazed then she spies the blue gem her eyes go wide. In seconds she runs to it panic written all over her features.

"SAPPHIRE!" Ruby shouts picking it up and holding the gem gently. Tears began to form at the corner of her eyes then she turned to the rocket with a glare. She runs up to the rocket and kicks it. "Look what you did you stupid rocket!" she growls then gives it a harder kick then looks down at the gem. "Come on Sapphire come out." she coaxed softly. The blue gem began to glow and Sapphire appeared dazed.

"Calm down Ruby. I am okay, your okay, we are okay," Sapphire says calmly taking Ruby's hand in hers. Ruby calmed down slowly then smiled. They looked around then Sapphire reaches up and rubs the dirt off Ruby's cheek. "That color looks good on you but, I prefer your color." Sapphire says making Ruby grin. Then Ruby looked up and saw earth then gulped.

"Sapphire?" Ruby says pointing.

"I know we are on Mercury." Sapphire says calmly.

"Isn't that where we lost Emerald?" Ruby asks.

"In that sense yes she got lost here.", Sapphire says. Ruby decides not to ask what she means. She knew her beloved Saphire saw things she could never even begin to understand.

"Now what? Should we fuse into Garnet?",Ruby asks. She didn't  like being this far from Sapphire it felt wrong and iddd.

"I feel it is to soon let's walk for a while." Sapphire says giving her hand a squeeze then letting it go and, starts walk-in. Ruby quickly catches up and, they walk side by side.

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